Clearly that Uber secretly was carrying out an automatic driving car test run

It occurred on Sunday, March 18, 2018Accident that Uber's automatic driving car killed a woman and diedUber announced that he had stopped the test run on the public road of the automatic driving car. And on 27th March (Tue), 2018 Arizona State Governor Doug Dusy issued an announcement to cancel Uber 's automatic driving car permission in the state. However, according to the Guardian newspaper, Uber announced in December 2016 that it began testing runs in Arizona, an automated driving car, but in fact it was confidential from August 2016 before the announcement that a running test It was clear that we had done.

Exclusive: Arizona governor and Uber kept self-driving program secret, emails reveal | Technology | The Guardian

This fact was revealed in the existence of e-mail exchanges between Uber and the Governor of Dusish by the Guardian's request for disclosure of official documents.

Arizona was not always in a honeymoon relationship with Uber, and it was a governor from January 2009 until January 2015Jean BrewerHe did not sign the law of "excluding ride sharing services such as Uber from health regulations that had been applied to conventional taxi companies", and stared the ride sharing service strictly.

Meanwhile, Uber was trying to approach Mr. Ducsy before becoming a governor before 2007, and that the office staff was sending an email suggesting that the ride sharing service would bring employment and money I already know.

Ducsi won the state governorate election held in 2014 and arrived in January 2015. Mr. Ducs who was interested in the ride sharing service in response to the approach from Uber realized the bill to legalize the ride sharing service in April 2015. Sometimes, he was responsible for negotiating himself with the staff, wearing a Uber T - shirt at the event in response to Uber 's request, and sometimes tweeting like appealing Uber.

In June 2015 Uber opened a support center to create 300 people in Phoenix, Arizona. Two months later, Mr. Ducsy and UberOptical Sciences UniversityWe had a joint press conference to donate $ 25,000 (about 2.7 million yen) to the company. And on the same day, Mr. Ducsi gives an administrative order to allow test driving of an automatic driving car that takes over driving when the driver falls into an emergency situation.

In response to this, Uber will officially start the test run of the automatic driving car from December 2016, but in reality it was four months earlier than that and started the test run from the time of August 2016. This was revealed by the discovery of an e-mail "Until the test run of the automatic driving car starts" which was sent to Mr. Danny · Saiden of the governor from Uber on August 19, 2016.

Uber explained the reason for sending the mail, "It should be no problem because the driver is on board, but I reported it just in case," explained that I did not announce that I started the test run in August. At that time I was focusing on the test driving of the automatic driving car in the state of Pennsylvania, so I did not announce it, "but to Mr. Seiden who reported the start of the test run" I will call attention to the police of Phoenix I'd like to get in touch with you, so please introduce stakeholders. "

The provincial governor explained that he was not informed about Uber's test run while being informed, "Since I was issuing an administrative order to allow the test run of the automatic driving car already, I did not have any obligation to make it public."

in Software,   Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log