Why is Bach the ultimate musician?
Beyond classical music, Bach is a godfather of all music "has various faces such as violinists, journalists, novelists, actressesClemency Burton-Hill'S words. Among other excellent musicians, Bach is explaining why he can be called the "ultimate musician" by a number of conductors, opera singers and pianists.
BBC - Culture - Can any composer equal Bach?
As it is said, "Writing about music is like dancing about architecture", composers and musiciansJohann Sebastian BachBurton-Hill says that it is very difficult to talk about why he was the ultimate composer. However, Burton-Hill is trying to explain the excellent part of Bach as follows.
Bach instinctively understood "humanity", and the rhetorical skill as a playwright did not allow other followers. In the lifetime of 1685 to 1750, Bach wrote a song about the glory of God, but what he loves, loving someone, laughing, betraying, betraying, being shattered Including that you feel like you can fly even now. Burton-Hill says that the music of Bach literally includes "all" such as struggle, friendship, despair, and joy.

Also, the conductor'sJohn Eliot GardinerSays "It sounds like snorkeling" about experiencing Bach's music. To immerse in Bach's music is a heterogeneous experience, entering the world of Bach as a listener or performer is "as you enter the ocean with a goggle, you see a psychedelic world with countless colors" It is said that it is something. Gardiner takes a neutral position on the existence of GodAgnosticianBut, as for Bach's music, I have no choice but to think that someone who has a supernatural sense of worthlessness or existence of human beings has made it. "
Bach has aspects of making the Lutheran theological system written about God more accessible to people. By fighting faith with Bach, Bach makes the music produced from it fantastic, less learning-like. Alongside Bach, it is regarded as an important composer of baroque musicGeorg Friedrich HandelUnlike the music of Bach, the spiritual epic produced by Bach was rich in wit, there was a paradox that it is spiritual but realistic.
Bach had suffering both in music and in life, but even in sorrow, that music comforted people. In particular I compiled over 200 piecescantataIts characteristics are dramatically seen in the opera singer, Nancy Argenta, an opera singer, said, "When you want to relax, you need not Bettuben but Bach, because he feels quiet like everything" everything goes well " I have it. "
A famous conductor of Bach's expertsHelmut LillingSaid that Bach's extraordinary talent was to be able to refine the "best idea" at the time by adding together the things that existed before. In addition, Bach's achievement is not simply Bach's achievement, but also that he has had a great influence on next-generation composers and musicians as an excellent teacher. The influence of Bach is not limited to classical music, and it is influential to jazz, soul, hip hop, and its influence is immeasurable.
In famous ones, the German music group Sweetbox also released Bach's "Aria on the G line"Everything's Gonna Be Alright" has been announced ... ...
SWEETBOX "EVERYTHING'S GONNA BE ALRIGHT", official music video (1997) - YouTube
Death metal band of Sweden ·DISMEMBERThe song "Life, Another Shape Of Sorrow" is based on Bach's "Komm, Susser Tod".
Dismember - Life, Another Shape Of Sorrow - YouTube
Burton-Hill is a pianistJames RhodesWhen asked, "Why is Bach the ultimate musician?" Rhodes says, "Bach is an orphan at the age of 10, 11 of the 20 children were lost during childhood and childbirth, and wife and I lost my loved one by sudden death. "" He spoke of his sorrow, talked about the life of Bach who slept with the groupie at the attic with the organ, "fought and fought,Labor ethicsI described the view that the music reflecting the lifetime of a drunk rock star with a hint will blossom us even after 300 years.
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