A documentary movie chasing a rider who keeps a bike stunt passionately at the circus for 30 years "Step Into the Gravity - Defying Globe of Death"

A dangerous stunt "Globe of Death" that several bikes enter a spherical wire mesh and loop at the same time at ultra close distance. Documentary movie chasing the living condition of riders who have continued such stunts for 30 years "Step Into the Gravity-Defying Globe of Death"The Atlantic's official YouTube channel that has movies of original documentaries and interviews has been released.

The Gravity-Defying Globe of Death - The Atlantic - The Atlantic

Inside The Globe Of Death - The Sun

Step Into the Gravity-Defying Globe of Death - YouTube

Lucius Zafalon is one of the riders of team "Lucius Team" who does bike stunt.

I moved to the venue by car, made meetings, lived a life to do stunts, and worked in circus for over 30 years.

Zafalon talks about the relationship with the motorcycle. "It was at the age of nine when I first got on the bike, and I felt the size of the bike twice."

At that time, even if I knew how to ride a motorcycle, I told that I could not stop because my feet did not reach the ground.

Zafalon said about a stunt Globe of Death where several bikes looped with wire mesh "We were young so we could not go out at night ..."

"So inside the wire mesh, we became a playground," he says.

"Because I was young, I did not think much about risk, this stunt was just a game."

"The only thing I thought about quitting was because I hurt people."

"We worked with friends in the wire mesh many years ago, we were the best team, but an accident happened."

"One day my teammate came down in front of me ... I could not avoid it." Zafalon talks about the accident happened in Globe of Death.

Zafalon talks about the accident, "My teammate passed away and I was hard."

"My dad's teammate's father supported me and I encouraged me not to stop the stunt."

Mr. Zafalon heads to the wire mesh that carries out Globe of Death.

Cut the cross in front of your chest.

Enter a wire mesh across a motocross bike with a displacement of 125 cc.

We joined with two team mates in the wire mesh, and a total of three bikes started running. Both cars run in a counterclockwise direction to start a loop.

Three bikes will raise the speed and loop to increase the centrifugal force sticking to the wire mesh and go up. The wire mesh diameter is about 5 meters and 3 bikes seem to touch.

When the bike reaches the upper half of the sphere, the upper half of the sphere rises and the lower half of the sphere is left.

When the wire mesh got up and opened, we could see better that the bikes are running at tremendous momentum. And as the wire mesh opens, there is a danger that the motorcycle will jump out of the wire mesh.

Once the wire mesh was closed, the lighting of the stunt site was turned off.

The electric decorations worn by the bikers will shine and the loop of light will be drawn in the dark.

Although it is shining with electric decoration, in the dark it can be expected that the sense of distance becomes hard to grasp, the danger should be increasing.

In addition, the motorcycle movements of the motorcycles changed from those in a single direction. It is divided into two rows and it intersects X letters and the risk of collision increases.

Zafalon talks about his thoughts on this stunt. "I can not think of myself without Globe of Death"

"This is not like work but my pleasure"

The motorcycle engine rushes up the beat violently.

The body is pressed toward the wire mesh with a strong centrifugal force due to the speed of the bike.

An X - ray picture of a bone that broke at work in the past will be displayed.

Mr. Zafalon who fiddles the bike. It seems that we are doing maintenance while lighting the electric decoration used in Globe of Death. And I will receive a question. "Where does strength and energy to do this work come from?"

"One answer is derived from my heart"

"I love my job and I always work to move forward."

"No matter how many times you fall, you strike your body and you break your fracture"

"I always stand up and ride my bike, I will continue riding for 30 years, I will continue learning and as it is today"

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log