After playing Indiana Jones with a giant ball made of Lego, it crashed into a car parking

Make a huge ball with 5 million Lego blocks, roll the slope and play Indiana Jones. The ball is hitting a car parked on the shoulder because it is going on a normal roadway.

Details are as below. Lego giant balls carried by truck.

It is bigger than a human being.

It is being dressed like Indiana Jones.

Action start.

The role of Jones escaping so as not to be crushed.

The ball seems not to be so heavy, but it hurts when I hit it.

And the ball moves towards the shoulder ... ....

Continued from the movie of the following link.
Lego 5 Million-Piece LEGO Boulder Chases Indy, Crashes Into Car

The situation at the time of shootingFlickrIt is in

Crushed watermelon with fragments of the ball?

After all, I care what happened to the car hit by the ball.

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log