Researchers and others develop online games that aim to spread industry fake news and aim for the industry

Not to "Do not spread fake news", not online game "go to the top of the fake news industry" goalBad NewsResearchers at the University of Cambridge made public. It sounds like a game that will adversely affect people, but players are paradoxically saying that "what kind of behavior diffuses fake information" is to be learned, researchers can learn through the game People are immunizing about "spreading lies" and hoping the game will play a role of vaccine.

Fake news 'vaccine': Online game may 'inoculate' by simulating propaganda tactics

Bad News: the game researchers hope will 'vaccinate' public against fake news | Technology | The Guardian

Researchers have been developing similar games and conducting research in the past. However, while the past game focused on climate science, the new game features fake news in various fields. Actual games can be played from the following.

Bad News

This is the top page. First, click "PLAY THE GAME".

Then it will switch to the screen as shown below. At the start of the game, the follower of the player is 0, and the user aims at the top of the fake news industry by increasing the followers by spreading fake news and lie information. "Post a frustrated tweet" and "I 'm not sure ..." (along with a message saying "I'm pretty sorry, everyone is up, let's diverge with Twitter" Anxiety ......) "option will appear, so select" Post a frustrated tweet ".

Then the tweet sentence you post is displayed. When you press the button saying "Tweet this" about the content that "This government seriously fails. # Stop it! Losing dog!"

The counter in the upper left moved, and 8 followers were obtained. When you click the choice on the lower right of "What to do next ..." ... ...

Posted a statement saying that the account "Donald J. Trunp" decided to declare war to North Korea as a result of deliberation with military commanders. Click "Tweet this" in the bottom right.

Then the follower increased to 39 people. Actually, however, this "Donald J. Trunp" is a false account of President Trump who became "m" if it is originally "m". Some people believed that they were genuine accounts, but they have diffused fake information.

However, followers are further increased by retweet. People who believe in the contents of the tweets will receive more and more reactions. Press "Moving on" ...

Next time you will be asked to "Open a blog" or "Open a news site". Of course, it is recommended that not a blog but a news site. Select the cover "THE COSMOS POST" ......

Choose the title "editor-in-chie" instead of "anonymous".

When I start posting on Twitter ......

The number of followers rapidly increases. In this way, you can see that one user can raise the influence quickly using fake news.

In the pilot study, researchers got 95 girls from the Netherlands high school students to play similar games, but the "fake news confidence" of students who played games compared to the control group students decreased I told you to go.

The idea called "ingestion theory" exists in the background of this research. Sander van der Linden, Cambridge University's social decision-making laboratory representative, said, "Biological vaccines produce immune systems by administering small amounts of pathogens to patients, similar things to" ingestion theory " Even so, by exposing people to weak versions of things that are arguing, we will be able to easily refuse even more encroaching fake information. " At the time of article creation, the game is only in English, but translation is planned to be used so that it can be used even in Ukraine etc. where the problem of fake information is getting bigger.

in Review,   Web Service,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log