Many people found that they are taking 50% more calories than they estimate

It is said that "avoiding obesity" is important as one of the important factors for being a healthy body, and there are many people who count the amount of calories of what you ate everyday. However, according to a survey conducted in the UK, the average population counts the calories of those who ate less, actually it is found that they are consuming 50% more calories than their own calculations It is.

Evaluating Calorie Intake | Data Science Campus

Average person is eating 50% more calories than they realise, data shows

Many developed countries tend to have a higher degree of obesity in exchange for richness, and in the UK there are circumstances that can not be overlooked in that example. According to the United Nations survey, there is a result that one in four adults is in the state of obesity in the UK, which greatly exceeds that of Germany by 21.3% and France by 15.6%.

Over the past 40 years, the findings that people's caloric intake has been decreasing in the UK have been clarified, but in reality there is a contradiction that the proportion of people who are in obesity has continued to rise It was. The results of this survey are expected to clarify the mystery of this contradiction.

BySandra Cohen - Rose and Colin Rose

According to a survey newly announced by the British National Bureau of Statistics, the figures that the British citizen thinks "I am taking this calorie only" were 2100 kcal for men and 1600 kcal for women. However, when I looked into the actual situation in detail, the figure was male3119 kcalIn women2393 kcalIt is clear that the actual situation that both men and women take about 50% more calories than they think.

About this result, Professor John Wass, an endocrinologist and in charge of the public relations of the Obesity Health Alliance (Obesity Health Alliance), said, "It is not surprising that people estimate their calorie intensely, which is not necessarily a matter of reality It means that it is not that he does not turn his eyes, it means that it is difficult to calculate the actual nutrition that he is getting from food so much. "

Mr. Wass also said, "There is nothing wrong with calorie overloading, neither adults nor children have the ability to do enough exercise on a daily basis to maintain a healthy weight," I am talking. In conducting this investigation, the survey teamDouble labeled water methodBy using a method called calorie consumption accurate, we calculate calorie expenditure accurately, but from there it is clear that 80% of people are lacking in daily momentum actually.


in Science,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log