Three drinks that taste strawberry and white chocolate harmony have been tasted with Mac cafe varista

Three types of drinks using strawberry and white chocolate appeared for a limited time from February 14, 2018 (Wednesday, February 14, 2018) at the McDonald's cafe store "McCafé by Barista" (McCafé by Barista) which has put a great emphasis on the cafe menu did. Drinks that appeared as "White Chocolate Strawberry" series, Smoothie's "White chocolate strawberry smoothie"Latte's"White chocolate strawberry latte"When"Ice white chocolate strawberry latte"is. I went to the shop to have a drink using strawberry feeling spring.

Barista White Chocolate Strawberry | Barista White Chocolate Strawberry

Arrived at McDonald's.

I visited a store with McCafé by Barista in McDonald's. Attention is necessary as ordinary Mac cafe does not sell this product.

There were three kinds of posters of drinks of "White Chocolate Strawberry" series in the shop. I will place an order immediately.

After about 10 minutes, a drink of "White Chocolate Strawberry" series, "White Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie" and "White Chocolate Strawberry Latte" and "Ice White Chocolate Strawberry Latte" arrived.

I will drink from "White Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie" (sales tax included 500 yen: M size only). This menu appeared every spring around the spring, this is the third popular menu that will appear this year. The red strawberry sauce was renewed in 2018.

Whipped cream with red sauce is topping. Sliced ​​strawberries are used for the sauce.

When I looked at the cup from the side, I saw a pink milk based smoothie using strawberry sauce and a red sauce under it.

After drinking, the sweet and sour taste of strawberry spreads out in the mouth from the eye. The sauce using the sliced ​​strawberry can enjoy the flavor and taste of the strawberry fruit. Toppings whipped cream and white house chocolate gently sweetness.

I will try "White chocolate strawberry latte" (400 yen including tax: M size only).

The topping whipped cream has strawberry sauce and white shave chocolate.

When you look at the glass from the side, you can see the pink strawberry milk. For strawberry milk, strawberry sauce and chocolate syrup plus milk are used.

After drinking, White Shave chocolate and sauce spread in the mouth with fluffy whipped cream. In the warm drink part, the mild sweetness of milk and slightly sweet and sour strawberry taste, the milk felt like strawberry complemented.

Lastly, I will drink the ice version of "Lace Ice White Chocolate Strawberry Latte" (400 yen including tax: M size only).

Toppings like hot 'Chocolate Strawberry Latte', on top are the strawberry sauce and white shave chocolate on the topping whipped cream.

I tried drinking "ice chocolate strawberry latte", I felt strongly the presence of milk compared to hot.

"White Chocolate Strawberry" series drinks "White Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie" and "White Chocolate Strawberry Latte" and "Ice White Chocolate Strawberry Latte" are both limited-edition items until early April. It is on sale at the McDonald's store nationwide with McCafé by Barista. As of January 2018, there are only 90 shops nationwide, so it is not possible to order at all McDonald's stores, so be careful.

You can search "Mac cafe biarista" stores nationwide from the links below.

McCafe by Barista (McCafe by Varista) | Store / Service | McDonald's Japan

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log