Automatic driving patrol car that detects unnamed and traffic violations makes it impossible for a driver to violate anything to escape

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Although it is expected that traffic violation will decrease by the appearance of automatic driving car, as long as there is a driver holding a steering wheel, traffic violation never goes away. Ford's patent application "Autonomous Police Vehicle"(Automatic driving police car) tracks offending vehicles in cooperation with surveillance cameras, issues warnings and cuts off tickets on the spot. It makes almost impossible to escape violation.

Autonomous Police Vehicle
(PDF file)

Ford wants to patent a driverless police car that ambushes lawbreakers using artificial intelligence - The Washington Post

Ford's patent pending Autonomous Police Vehicle (APV) will patrol on automatic operation and discover traffic violating vehicles. The great point of APV is to catch offending vehicles in cooperation with surveillance cameras installed in town. It is also possible for APV to not only recognize traffic violations by violating vehicles but also to track infringing vehicles by obtaining information from surveillance cameras that have confirmed the fact of violation.

When approaching an offending vehicle, APV will take the exterior of the vehicle and the license plate with a high-performance camera. APV can also communicate with automatic driving car. It can detect whether the offending vehicle is running in the automatic driving mode or whether the human being is holding the steering wheel. The APV who confirmed the fact of the violation judges whether it issues a warning or a penalty ticket and processes it.

Furthermore, by applying machine learning technology, it is expected that APV predicts the place and time which traffic violation is likely to occur and based on that prediction, the APV may ambush at a place where there is a high possibility of a traffic violation.

According to Ford, police officers can wait inside the APV car, fully automate all tasks such as discovery and warning of infringing vehicles and issue of a ticket for offense, so that police officers can concentrate on tasks that only human beings can deal with .

in Software,   Hardware,   Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log