Reason why you do not have to worry about the future of 'toy store'

byKelly Sikkema

Japan Toy Association'sStatistical data, The size of the toy market in Japan is 803.1 billion yen, slightly increasing from the previous year. However, it is a common story that a small toy shop in a town I often visited when I was a child was collapsed, in the United States it was 180 stores in January 2018Toys' R UsIt may be closedannouncementIt has been. About the future of such a toy shop, a documentary program focusing on the formation of famous toys "The Toys That Made Us"When I asked Mr. Brian Volk Weis, producer of the product, I found that I had an unexpectedly optimistic view.

Toys That Made Us creator explains why he's optimistic about to store - Polygon

Mr. Weiss says to Polygon, a game-based media, "If the community does not have a toy shop, it will be very frightening." As to why it is such a thing, "There are Toys 'R Us in the vicinity of my office and near my house.I do not believe any religion, but I like Toys' R Us as a temple, a church or a mosque Because Toys 'R Us is the most peaceful place for me.When I go to Toys' R Us and see around the shop when I have a bad day, I feel peaceful, Every time I buy some kind of toys, so if my house nearby and one or both of Toys' R Us near my office collapses, my heart will be broken, "Mr. Weiss I am talking.

It is not certain whether Toys 'R "' s reason for reducing the number of stores is due to intensifying competition with competing services such as Internet sales and Wal - Mart. Regarding the reason why Toys' R '' s have financial problems,BloombergIsLeveraged buyoutAlthough it has an interesting viewpoint about the toy shop, it is obvious that money is necessary for the operation of the toy shop in reality, and it can be said that it faces many tasks.

byDaniel Cheung

It is not only the toy shop like Toys' R Us that received the threat of Internet sales. The rise of Amazon has greatly influenced the real store centered on the bookstore, and in recent years it has entered not only the book field but also the grocery goods business and the like. However, as e-books prosperous led many bookstores to close down, some independent bookstoresResurrection by achieving a different approach than everHas been achieved.

Mr. Weice believes that a method of tracking customers' purchasing behavior from Internet sales, online trends, etc. and finely managing the items arranged in actual toy stores may be "an answer for future toy shops". We believe that small shops will be able to operate toy shops more effectively by introducing superior inventory control technology, "I heard that two years ago, two Rogue One's same characters are on the shelves It may be gone, "he says about the future of the future toy shop.

Also, in urban areas with particularly high population density, small toy shops thriving in abundant types may be thriving in the area even if the total number of products is small. A toy as handled at a toy shop is a kind of product that I actually want to touch and try before purchasing, and it is a kind of fun just to watch. Mr. Weiss says, "It is a strange purchase method to buy a toy online without watching, playing or touching it."

byNong Vang

As Toys R Us reduces the number of stores, Toy business is changing drastically. Adults are beginning to purchase the toys that were playing during childhood, and the number of stores handling vintage toys in many cities is on the rise. Also, online stores such as Amazon and markets for collectors like eBay are not just detrimental to the toy industry. "The bad thing with the rise of an online store is that many people have lost the sense of hunting, that is, they forget the feeling that finding a toy is a fun, If you can not find it, you will be disappointed or at the worst the children will be disappointed, but it's a good thing that such opportunities are being lost with the emergence of eBay and Amazon, "Mr. Weiss. Indeed, Mr. Weiss talks about the pleasure of going around multiple toy shops and finding out what Luke Skywalker's toy is.

Mr. Weiss on the future of the toy shop "There is something I will ask about 50 years, 100 years later ... ... I do not know about that, but after 20 years we still have toys made of brick and mortar I am convinced that I will go to a shop, "he says, I am revealing that he believes that the toy shop will never get through in the near future.

in Note, Posted by logu_ii