Rubik cube made of 'ice' which turns hands are cold
A simple toy that arranges six sides of a cube colorRubik's CubeThere are enthusiastic fans all over the world, and not only do the colors match, but also the self-production of the Rubik's Cube derived by the fans is flourishing.The biggest Rubik cube in the world bigger than humansOr using a 3D printerRubik's Cube that changes not only in color but also in shapeAnd among other things, the YouTube channel to convey entertainment around the world to the Rubik cube made with cold "ice"EEC MEDIAIt introduces.
Man creates functional Rubik's cube out of ice - YouTube
Below is the Rubik cube made of ice. This Rubik cube is GuinnessCertificationdidThe world's huge Rubik's CubeYaThe world's smallest Rubik's CubeBritish people who have made their ownTony FisherMade it.

The shape of ice 's Rubik' s cube is an orthodox one - sided 3 × 3 cube.

Of course it is a Rubik cube so you can turn any block manually. However, if you are passionate about block turning, it seems to be frosty.

Fisher used "silicone rubber mold" to make ice into a Rubik's cube shapeNewsflareI am telling you.

As the material is ice-making it can be warmed by putting it in a pot with hot water ......

Ice blocks begin to melt.

At the end, it became only the framework of the Rubik 's cube.

All six surfaces are made of white ice This Rubik cube is where you are concerned about how to play, such as how to align the faces.
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