You can find a place where the underground ice is exposed on the surface of Mars
Observation data of the Mars explorer know the fact that there is ice on Mars before, but now it turned out that there is a place where thick underground ice is exposed on Mars surface.
Exposed subsurface ice sheets in the Martian mid-latitudes | Science

Steep Slopes on Mars Reveal Structure of Buried Ice | NASA
Underground glacial near the surface of Mars, 100 m or more in thickness Research pictures 1 International News: AFPBB News
It is the spacecraft "Phoenix" launched in 2008 that confirmed the presence of ice on Mars. At this time, we confirmed "white lump" at 68 ° N. As the lump disappeared from the photographs taken three days later, the white lump was thought to be evaporated with ice.
The ice exposure was found in the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere of Mars about 55 degrees to 58 degrees latitude, respectively. In terms of the earth, it is in the position of the southernmost point of Scotland and South America Continent · Cape Horn.
High resolution photos sent from NASA's Mars probe can see blue bands. This is where the underground ice is exposed on the surface. By the way, colors are emphasized by image processing.

by NASA / JPL-Caltech / UA / USGS
The photograph was taken of 500 m square. The part where ice is exposed is a high cliff and the difference in elevation between the upper part and the lower part of the picture is 130 m. The height (thickness) of the ice exposed on the slope is about 80 m.
It is believed that ice creates a banded pattern because it was thought that ice was deposited like snow a long time ago when the inclination of the axis of Mars was bigger and by investigating this ice layer in the future , It is thought that history of Mars climate change and information on potential water resources for mankind to challenge Mars exploration in the future will be obtained.
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in Science, Posted by logc_nt