"18 things that will happen in 2018" anticipated by executives in various fields such as AI, finance, retailing, etc.

ByChris Blakeley

In the field of computer technology that continues to evolve daily, especially in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), which is progressing rapidly, the situation will change dramatically over a year. It is not easy to predict the movements of such a world, but the 18 executives who span a wide range of fields such as AI, finance, retail trade, IoT, drone, etc. "what will happen in 2018" Media specialized forInc.comIt is summarized by.

Here's What 18 Top Executives Say Will Happen in 2018 | Inc.com

◆ 01. 2018 will be the year of voice user interface (VUI)
(Consulting company for mobile application design and developmentArcTouchCo-founder Adam Fingerman)

Three years after letting "Alexa" of voice assistant appear, Amazon released "Echo" of smart speaker. At first, Echo was staring at curiosity by everyone, but it quickly became an explosive hit in the United States, after which Google Home and Apple's HomePod are following it. Amazon then began licensing Alexa to areas such as Smart Home Equipment and Automotive, and products that actually incorporate Alexa are gradually emerging.

People gradually learn comfort in instructing themselves to mobile phones, smart homes, cars, etc. by voice. I'm not going to say that the "graphical user interface (GUI)" like a smartphone now is going to go away soon, but in 2018 there is little doubt that voice will be the most important interface in the digital world .

ByKen M Erney

◆ 02. For retailers to stop Amazon's invasion, they will pursue closure of stores in the US and fund the e-commerce supply chain automation
(Logistics technology company that enables global product tradingHavenFounder and CEO Matthew Tillman)

Major retailers have not recognized the importance of their supply chain for many years and consumers now are no longer accepting their inefficient purchasing methods. A retailer needs to ensure state-of-the-art competitiveness is the first step that should be taken only by reducing the service providing base. And the second step is to increase the controllability of the supply chain and lower the outsourcing ratio. Large-scale retailers will recognize the deficiencies in this area in 2018 and will proceed to in-house production of logistics as a differentiating factor from other companies.

◆ 03. Alternative payment methods continue to expand
(Settlement related solution development entrepreneurVerifoneNorth American president Joe Mach)

In the world, new payment methods are constantly being generated. It is important to keep expeditious so that it can adapt to the emergence of new technologies such as mobile payment. Apple Pay is seen as having over 1 million users each week. Cloud-based wallet features like WeChat Pay and Alipay cross the border and continue to destroy payment ecosystem. As users continue to accept such services, the service provider must also be prepared for adaptation to the new payment functions including wearable terminals.

◆ 04. MySpace may be resurrected
(We offer mass media related programs at Syracuse UniversityNew House SchoolAssociate Professor, Jennifer Grygiel)

In society, legacy media and analog media like books and magazines are demonstrating the momentum of resurgence, and there is a growing interest in more "realistic" experiences, events and exchanges with other companies. People came to Facebook for ten years now and are hungry for interaction and ties between people. Now at this timingMySpace(Myspace notation from 2013) will not be surprised even if it resurrected. It is one of the leading wealthiests in AmericaBrother CorkThe funds ofTIME magazine purchase play, Myspace under TIME is also affected by that. Myspace 's revival in 2018 may be a surprise that no one expects.

Featured Content on Myspace

◆ 05. Security competition of "Internet of the Internet (IoT)" accelerates
(Digital IdentityProvide management solution forForgeRockVice President Eve Maler)

In recent years, many malware attacks against IoT devices have been made, and attention is paid to the certainty of identity management and authentication. With the advent of the latest botnet called "Reaper" that exploits vulnerability to individual devices, the security competition of IoT devices is accelerating. If the identity is more strongly certified in 2018, the Reaper type of attack will also increase.

◆ 06. China will continue to play a more important role in the global e-commerce and settlement ecosystem
(Financial service company providing online remittance and digital payment servicePayoneerCEO, Scott Galit)

The Chinese government is focusing on improving openness and innovation and is trying to play a leading role in the increasingly globalizing digital society and connected society. As the middle class of China grows at a phenomenal speed and the number of engineers sent out each year is greater than the whole of the whole world in the West, in 2018 China will become a "producer" with strong consumers and It is expected to evolve into a booming market with innovators. Companies worldwide will accelerate efforts to introduce products and services into the Chinese market, and Chinese companies will play an increasingly important role globally.

◆ 07. Supply chain will be smarter
(Provide support services for online business growthCommerce HubCEO, Frank Poore)

The distinction between "retailers" and "suppliers (suppliers)" will begin to become obscure in 2018. Retailers and brands will be able to share the data of inventory items that are dispersed within the commerce network and consumers will benefit from getting products faster and cheaper at whichever point they purchase You will be able to. In closing, trading retailers / supplier relationships will evolve and consumers' experiences will improve, which will benefit all parties.


◆ 08. Demand for real visual content will continue to increase.
(Provide stock material of moving images, images and audioStoryblocksCEO, TJ Leonard)

Building and telling stories "Storytelling" is basically still in the "desire" stage, but what we are aiming for has changed considerably in recent years and will soon be reflected in the media situation It will be. Consumers and creators start to depart from the ideal rear-ended ideas as in the past in the urban world where the "connection" is increasingly strengthened, instead they are requesting contents to reflect more real life more surely I will.

◆ 09. Consumers are responsible for providing the maximum customer experience for healthcare brands
(Globally conduct creative consultingLippincottCEO, Rick Wise)

Traditional large companies need to respond to the growing customer expectations for simple and transparent on-demand experiences by investing in and improving customer experiences. All medical institutions need to reevaluate the current systems and processes in order to reliably communicate their expectations from ever-rising users. As industry consolidation accelerates, healthcare companies should not be distracted, they must pay close attention to how to brand their brands in such a way as to bring a stronger brand experience to their customers. This is an opportunity for healthcare brands to support not only the traditional healthcare field but also the overall health and the happiness produced by it.

◆ 10. The new tax system will be a good opportunity for the brand to show its attitude toward its employees and customers
(Digital marketing and advertising companyDXagencyCEO, Sandy Rubinstein)

New taxation and financial incentives are the most favorable opportunity for brands and marketing companies to show how they can benefit their employees and customers. Companies such as AT & T, Comcast, and Wells Fargo announced plans to reinvest enterprise savings, increase minimum wages, and pass bonuses to employees. The next step is to lower the price of the service and save the customer's expense. This type of message will increase the royalty for the brand and further increase revenue.

By401 (K) 2012

◆ 11. "CMO" finally becomes the most important "C poster" following "CEO"
(Provide a data driven type decision making methodThe Trade DeskCEO, Jeff Green)

In the modern market, what brands you choose for shoes and what you wear, computers, cars are influenced by marketing. The cost of advertising without backing data is about to be over. And in 2018, it will finally come to an end. CMO (Chief Marketing Officeer) is beginning to take action. They are making effective use of the data, and the cost effectiveness of advertising is made larger than in the past. Companies that can not adapt to the data-driven digital age will suffer much damage in 2018. And companies with data-driven CMOs will steal share from companies that have not evolved.

◆ 12. Drone reduces various maintenance costs
(Subsidiary of facilities and solutions of GE GroupGE PowerCDO, Steve Martin)

The global demand for drone in the energy industry is expected to reach $ 447 billion (about 50 trillion yen) with cumulative market value between 2017 and 2025. Drone evolved from a consumer gadget to a shipping bot, and now an industrial tool. By using aerial photography video inspection technology using GPS, radar, infrared camera etc, drone can remotely monitor the long distance transmission line and remove obstacles that cause power failure directly. In 2018 the electric power company,Asset performance managementWe are planning to incorporate an application that connects drone, which can complete the maintenance work of the workers at the work site and instructed maintenance, as the main asset in the power grid. Drone also uses analysis with AI enabled to streamline the workflow by providing unprecedented data to the utility, solve the problem and add value to the customer, while giving the utility a value of information We will bring operational improvement, cost reduction, advance measures of problems etc. by delivering.

◆ 13. AI and IIoT promote the digital transformation of the power industry
(GE Power DigitalFormer CEO NeuCo under the umbrella, now executive executive Peter Kirk)

An asset intensive industry such as the electric power industry is in the early stages of bringing value from new technologies such as industrial Internet and AI by making use of the huge amount of data collected from machines. By letting AI handle terabyte-class data collected from power generation facilities, we can recognize patterns in machine operation and make changes to achieve more desirable results. In 2018, IIoT (Industrial IoT), AI, andDigital TwinContinuous growth, introduction and collaboration across industry across the industry will automate the basic maintenance process. This collaboration creates a human-mechanical approach to digitization operations, releasing human assets to concentrate on high-priority operational problems, and has a major impact on the entire electric power industry Operation and Maintenance Reduce the cost of budget.

ByOran Viriyincy

◆ 14. Both large enterprises and small and medium enterprises invest in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
(I built the first iPad electronic medical recorddrchronoCo-founder / COO, Daniel Kivatinos)

AI technology has a major impact on the healthcare industry in several ways. For example, AI will help patients diagnose, learn from large medical data sets, and help them to better understand the deeper level of medicine. In the near future, AI will reduce the cost of reading CT scan and X-ray from radiologists and creating radiation diagnostic reports. AI may help the patient decide which specialist to consult based on the series of questions the patient has answered. In addition, physicians can create medical records of large numbers of patients over time, and AI can correlate with past cases based on patient symptoms. This is difficult with the conventional method. Also, in medical billing, using AI there is a possibility that the claim referee will be streamlined more.

◆ 15. More companies will integrate AI into IoT network
(Provide analysis solutions such as IoT, cloud, big data etcHitachi VantaraMr. Brad Surak who supervises the product strategy at the company)

AI technology using bots and algorithms will push the limits of unsupervised learning, automatic generation training, reinforcement learning in edge devices, and so on. In the IoT environment, these automated bots and algorithms make each terminal smarter and learnable. As a result, the IT system and the OT system will work closely together. This convergence will allow organizations to improve the IoT maturity model.

◆ 16. Houses to sell themselves by themselves
(Real estate company corresponding to interactive type applicationRealiFounder and CEO of Inher Haller)

With the development of technology, we can buy and sell houses more easily than ever and get mortgage approval. As searching for cars and purchasing online has changed the automobile industry, the process of buying and selling at home is also being streamlined and changing. With soaring housing prices and lack of new houses, technologies such as virtual staging (property guidance) and consumer-led insight acquisition are offered. As the real estate industry broke away from the traditional commission model in 2017, changes in buyers and sellers' real estate transactions will continue to be seen. We are currently at the turning point of the industry.

ByLynn Friedman

◆ 17. Mobile technology provides more utilities to mobile consumers
(Provide family oriented location and safe driving serviceLife 360Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Chris Hulls)

In the past decade, we saw great growth in mobile space, but the previous trend was the transfer of existing technology to provide mobile the use of surface level like social networking. Today, high-tech enterprises are changing to provide everyday value unique to mobile for mobile consumers, centered on mobility. Mobile technology will go beyond utilities such as "self-shooting" and "SNS", and improve life in a more basic way. It has already been confirmed with mobile applications like Uber and Lyft. It is also deployed in other industries such as safety and security.

◆ 18. Block chains grow in the travel industry
(Provide Personal Travel Assistant based on AI technologyMeziJohnny Thorsen)

Conclude a contract on the block chainSmart ContractCombined with AI Chatbot technology, a completely new way to provide and consume travel will be invented and development will proceed. The block chain attracted great attention in 2017. alreadyCryptoCribsCompeting service providers like Airbnb are emerging, but the travel industry has only just begun the first step of connecting "travel stock" such as hotel vacancies to these platforms. This technology will be widely used, and it will take 1 to 2 more years for the reservation from the channel of the block chain to become a certain volume.


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