Former Facebook executives talk about SNS as a whole, "Facebook has broken society"

ByEsther Vargas

Regarding social networking services (SNS) such as Facebook, it is said that it has created a new form of connection between people, but on the other hand, its negative influence, such as becoming the driving force for the spread of "fake news" in the 2016 US presidential election There are points to point out that voices are concerned about. Meanwhile, Chamous · Parishapitiya who once served as a senior officer on Facebook and operated venture capital after retirement showed the view that Facebook and other social networking society in general "divided society".

Former Facebook exec says social media is ripping apart society - The Verge

"SNS criticism" by Mr. Paris Happytya (image right), who was in a position to lead Facebook once, was the thing that jumped out in the talk session on "how money will be a carrier of reform" conducted at the Stanford University School of Management . After joining Facebook in 2007, Mr. Paris Hatitiya is based on the company's stock option plan and venture capitalSocial CapitalIt is a person who started up.

The state of the talk session which Mr. Pari Habitiya actually said can be seen from the following movie.

Chamath Palihapitiya, Founder and CEO Social Capital, on Money as an Instrument of Change

In the talk session, Mr. Paris Haptitia says he feels "a tremendous sense of guilt" about Facebook who was involved in growth. The reason is that we have created a tool to separate the mechanisms in which society functions.

Nonetheless, Mr. Paris Hatiya's criticism is not directed only to Facebook, it is directed to the entire online world. About the feeling of air drifting in the world of SNS Mr. Paris Haptitia mentioned a mechanism like "Heart" or "Like" for writing, saying, "We made a short span and driven by secretion of dopamine The loop of feedback is destroying society. " "There is no social conversation or cooperation, there is a lack of information and a misunderstood inaccurate behavior, and this is not only a matter of America, it is not a Facebook advertisement problem involving Russia, It is a matter of the whole, "he says of the current situation that the formation of society is changing by SNS.

As an example, Mr. Pari Habitiya cited the case in Jalkhand State in eastern India. Around the month of 2017, a movie warning of the content of the lie that "the organization that traffics trafficking children is dramatic" is posted on "WhatApp" of the message application and spread, when the Internet spreads Residents who are unfriendly believe that the contents are facts, and the furious residents have killed the group by assaulting six innocent men suspected to be involved.

Residents who believed in net animation of infant trafficking, 6 people killed India photograph 1 international news: AFPBB News

"This is the challenge we are working on," said Paris Happytya, a business that supports start-ups on health and education. In addition Parihapitiya said, "is a malicious person, by manipulating a lot of people, please try to imagine the extreme example of causing act like you want to do yourself. That's what is happening now," said He says, that the part of the person juggle the SNS, will sound the alarm to the fact that they've been able to manipulate the behavior of many people.

In this talk session, Mr. Paris Hatitiya shows a critical view not only for SNS such as Facebook but also for the entire venture capital investment system of Silicon Valley as a whole. According to Mr. Paris Haptiya, the investor said that investors are putting money on "a shitful, useless, stupid company" and that they are not looking for companies that advocate for climate change and illnesses that they truly need about. In addition, investors who made profits by investing in such companies show a severe view that "they were not lucky to have investment skills but were lucky."

Mr. Paris Haptiya has already tried almost not to use Facebook, and he says to his children, "It is not allowed to use such a fucking thing."

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