Utilization ratio of iOS 11 is up to 59%, other iOS version distribution ratio is like this

byHarpal Singh

It is the latest OS for mobile devices released by Apple in September 2017iOS 11The Apple official revealed the usage rate of. Speaking of iOS 11Computer bugYaBug in AutoCorrect function,Face ID will not workAlthough it has been pointed out that there are many bugs seen in rare cases in recent years, more than half of iOS users seem to have already been upgraded.

iOS 11 adoption rate now at 59%

According to the official official Apple App Delivery Platform Apple App Store distribution platform "App Store", the iPhone / iPad / iPod touch installing different versions of iOS 11, such as iOS 11.2 just released the other day, It seems that it will reach. Similarly, Apple's announcement on November 6, 2017 was "52%" one month ago, so the monthly usage rate has increased by 7%.

It seems that the appearance of iPhone X is a big factor because the usage rate increased by 7% in about a month. The previous data is the data aggregated before the launch of iPhone X. The data released this time is "data showing the usage rate of iOS 11 that was first published after iPhone X launch".

The pie chart showing the usage rate of each version of the iOS terminal released in December 2017 is as follows. The latest iOS 11 is 59%, the previous major version iOS 10 is 33%, the others are 8%. It seems that there is no more accurate data because it is data which was blown out by checking the version of the OS adopted by the iOS terminal visiting the App Store. The measurements were on December 4th.

The usage rate of iOS 11 seems to be growing gently compared with the release time of iOS 10, but this is presumed to be due to multiple bugs being seen on iOS 11 as mentioned above.

On the other hand, on Android, which is the most adopted OS on smartphones, the latest version of Android 8.0 Oreo is small0.3%There is statistical result that it is installed only to.

in Mobile,   Software, Posted by logu_ii