Google announces image recognition AI "Vision Kit" that can be handmade by cardboard

A self-made AI kit project Google launched in early 2017 "AIY ProjectIt becomes the second step of "Vision Kit"Was announced. The first stage "Voice Kit" that was released in May 2017 was a kit that can recognize the voice spoken by people, but AIY Vision Kit shows the image captured by the camera as the name indicates, AI It is a kit that can realize "computer vision" to recognize.

Introducing AIY Vision Kit: Make devices that see

AIY Project is a project that started with the aim of "Google easily" to experience artificial intelligence ", its name is a combination of" AI "and" DIY ". The second version, Vision Kit, is a device with a small dice body like the previous work, with a camera kit, a speaker, and a button that changes the color of the light. Inside, we incorporate VisionBonnet circuit board and Raspberry Pi Zero W responsible for image recognition.

Included in the kit are as follows. The VisionBonnet circuit board is included, but the board and camera etc of Raspberry Pi Zero W are sold separately.

◆ Included in kit
· Wiring for button
· "Arcade" style glowing button in RGB
· Cardboard body
· Privacy LED
· Piezo speaker
· Macro / wide lens kit
· VisionBonnet
· Flexible cable for camera
· Cardboard made camera mount
· Plastic spacer
· Screws for mounting the tripod

◆ Not included in kit
· Raspberry Pi Zero W
· Raspberry Pi Camera 2
· Power adapter for Raspberry Pi Zero
· 16GB microSD card
· Cellophane tape for assembly

The core of the system is VisionBonnet which is used in combination with Raspberry Pi. With Intel's Movidius MA 2450 chip, it is possible to drive a neural network that realizes AI on a device.

It is very easy to assemble and it will be completed in 1 hour if the assembly and SDK installation are complete.

Vision Kit can realize various functions by AI recognizing camera image. For example, the following applications are mentioned.

· Recognize all kinds of plants and animals reflected on the camera
· Know the time when pet dogs arrive at their doorstep
· Know the time the private car has left the garage
· Observe the guest's surprised situation at home decoration decorated luxuriously
· Detecting that my younger brother entered my room (And ring an alarm!)

Unfortunately Vision Kit is only sold in the US, but if you use an agency etc you can get it from Japan. The price at the online shop is 44.99 dollars (about 5000 yen), and the reservation is accepted at the time of article creation and the release date is December 31, 2017. By the way, as mentioned above, you need to prepare devices related to Raspberry Pi besides this kit.

Google AIY Voice Kit

in Software,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log