Siri on the iPhone turned out to have the terrible ability to convert trombone sounds into letters

ByThe United States Army Band

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It is amazing how high the accuracy of speech recognition technology installed in smart phones and "smart speakers" that have begun to spread in Japan, but Siri on iPhone listens to the sound of the instrument's trombone It turned out that it has a very excellent (?) Ability that it can be made into letters.

What Happens When a Jazz Musician Accidentally Texts His Wife with Voice Recognition ... While Playing the Trombone | Open Culture

I found a surprising function,Paul The TrombonistThis is Paul Norwell. Mr. Nowell who is a professional trombone blown played a trombone while accidentally turning on the voice recognition function of the iPhone when he was exchanging messages with his wife, and Siri tells the trombone sound It seems that he corrected it and sent it.

The content of the message at that time is like this. As if a human makes sound managementOnomatopoeiaAs you use, "Woo Woo, Hu Fu, Wap Wap, Wower" and the trombone sound has been expressed. When Mr. Noell posted this screen on Twitter, it is a situation that collects more than 68,000 retweets and over 200,000 "good".

But there are some people who have no idea that "Are you sure you hit yourself"? So Mr. Nowell picks up the trombone and the iPhone again, just saying "I will show you so far", shoots a verification video and uploads it to YouTube.

My response to viral voice recognition trombone tweet Paul The Trombonist - YouTube

Mr. Nowell activates Siri "Ting ♪" and listens to the performance. I can tell by watching the movie, but it seems to be quite a powerful person and I can listen to a wonderful performance.

And this text was translated by Siri. It seems that it is not full of onomatopoeia as much as tweet time, but indeed an onomatopoeic phrase "boo-boo" is plugged in.

Siri with a terrible ability, I'm looking forward to what other instrument sounds will be converted.

in Software,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log