A glass-type device "Vocktail" converting it into a virtual cocktail by just adding taste, scent, color to water

Some people feel that commercial drinks are "too sweet", "sour too much", "smell is too tight". Researchers at the National University of Singapore wanted to make their own ideal drinks from smartphone applications,Vocktail"Was developed.


You can see what items Vocktail is from the following movie.

[MM2017] Vocktail: A Virtual Cocktail for Pairing Digital Taste, Smell, and Color Sensations - YouTube

Commercially available drinks are too sweet or those you want to drink can not be found when you want to drink, the choice of drinks in your daily life is a continuous series of problems. A solution at such time is "Vocktail"

Vocktail is a glass type device used in conjunction with a mobile application. The glass has an "aroma tube" that creates a fragrance, an electrode that produces a taste stimulus, and an LED light.

Add flavor to existing drinks ......

It is also possible to add scent, taste and color to mere water.

It's Bluetooth compatible so you can customize drinks from the app wirelessly. The drink that the man behind the smartphone has is orange ... ...

I was able to change the color of the drink like this from the application.

The LED light at the bottom of the glass colors the liquid ......

It produces taste by giving electrical stimulation with electrodes. As of November 2017, it is possible to produce taste such as acidity, bitterness and saltiness.

In addition, aroma is released from the tube attached to the glass.

With a glass, you can drink a variety of flavored drinks. Also, if you share the data of drinks, it was a device that could share the same drink even if you are away.

Although Vocktail has not been commercialized at the time of article creation, Nimesha Ranasinghe who developed it seems to be handled at a commercial facility such as a pub.

in Hardware,   Video,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log