The story of AI "Shelley" writing a horror novel is "astonishingly scary" as a topic, and researchers developed from 140 thousand Reddit's posts

byPriscilla Du Preez

In order to experiment that "Artificial intelligence (AI) can scare human beings", researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have asked AI to learn 140,000 horror novels, so that the story can be generated by oneself I made it. I publish my novel with a Twitter account and develop a relay novel with other users, but it is talked about the content is really like a horror novel.

Can artificial intelligence learn to scare us? | MIT News

This AI Writes Horror Stories, And They're Surprisingly Scary

MIT used data from Reddit to train an AI algorithm to tell horror stories - Quartz

Shelley is a novel "FrankensteinAI (artificial intelligence) named after Mary Sherry, author of the book.redditA thread posting the original horror novel on the notice board "nosleepI have learned about 140,000 pieces posted on "Twitter accountShelley will send you a message and Shelley will create a horror novel in the form of a reply to it.

The following is the account of Shelley.

Shelley (@shelley_ai) | Twitter

An example of a novel actually created by Shelley is as follows.The poem that the artificial intelligence under development under Google is poorAlthough it became talked about, Shelley 's novel has certainly unstable parts, but there are also some pretty natural and classic horror novel atmosphere.

"I went to the cellar and closed the door. As I imagined that, I felt something like a claw crushes my ankle."

"It saw me and said something, I could not even look away, 'Time is time, Tim'"

"It seemed like I was wearing the same clothes as my former owner, I did not quite know the shoulder and skin contours of it."

Shelley 's noteworthy point is that it is possible to continue relay novels in response to other users' contributions. The rules are listed on the following website.

Stories by Shelley - Rules and Terms of Service

· Shelly tweets one new story at most in one hour
· You can reply up to 3 tweets against the story Shelley posted. If you reply more than 1 tweet you will need to thread tweets according to Twitter guidelines (for detailed instructionsfrom here)
· If you want Shelley or another person to keep a novel that you wrote, please tweet with a hashtag of "#yourturn". Shelley does not consider posts without "#yourturn"
· If you respond to Shelley's post consisting of multiple tweets, please reply to the tweet with the last #yourturn of the thread to keep the thread structure
· When you want to end the story you can add "#theend" to the tweet as you like
· Shelley deletes many things such as user name, pictograph, tweet numbering, etc. when doing work
· Shelley reacts by choosing the top story every day from the number of likes and the number of retweets

Shelley and user-created relay novels can be seen from the following.The story of a pregnant manYaA story with no eyes looking back hereThere are strange horror stories lined up, such as.

Stories by Shelley

For example, "It saw me and said something, I could not even take my eyes off, Shelley's tweet saying" Time, Tim "has continued the following story. The part in bold is the post part of Shelley.

Stories by Shelley - Look Away

That said something when I saw me. I could not even look away. "It's time, Tim."I noticed the window is open. There is a smell of burning metal. It was talking about that arm and black eyes can not move without me."What on earth do you want from me?" I asked. The smile that a man sat in may be disappointment against me.When I broke the key at the main entrance, I found that the tongue of the creel crawled like a snake behind the neck and rolled around the ear.My complexion changed to purple, and my eyes widened wide. I shouted and my chest started to climb. I was bleeding in large amounts.

Shelley was developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to investigate how "machines can cause human emotional reactions" AI. "As the field of AI rapidly advances, people are worried about the massive generation of unemployed by evil robots and the destruction of humanity." "AI is abstract in this way I can threaten us in the meaning, but on the other hand, right now, it can also threaten instinctive meaning, "researcher Iyad Rahwan said. Also, Manuel Cebrian, who also developed Shelley, said, "This challenge is very important when thinking about the limits of AI."

in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log