A huge "LEGO House" like a LEGO block made into a building is opened, and at the Lego block thorough Lego covered theme park to order restaurants

Huge Lego theme park with 12,000 square meters play area "LEGO House"Opened on 28th September, 2017 in Thailand where Lego originated · Denmark. There are various attractions that use LEGO such as the space where you can create your favorite ones with unlimited number of 400 LEGO blocks, the design of the city and car, the space where you can make stop motion animation, and there are various attractions using LEGO, We assemble the way to assemble "in the way" and for those who like to make things it is a facility without time mudflers.

LEGO House official video - a look inside LEGO House - YouTube

Lego House is the following building which seems to have stacked several Lego blocks.

Looking from directly above, it looks like this. You can also see the design like a stud for connecting the blocks to each other.

In the building there are various spaces that children can play with Lego block.

For example, building a city in the Blue Zone is possible. The Blue Zone focuses on "cognitive skills" of solving problems and learning new things, and it is possible to design cities by programming robots and other things.

We can also design vehicles that do not even gravitate.

Designing a car ......


A car running on the slope ... ...

Lightly jump over the groove and go into the box with a state just like an action movie.

The Green Zone is a "character creator" zone, which aims to acquire social skills.

Use for movie shootingClapperboardIt is marked with.

Here you move your Lego dolls yourselfStop motion animationIt is possible to make.

There was a train running among huge city dioramas.

It is the red zone that has a waterfall made of Lego block. It is "a place where you can make anything at the head with an LEGO block that is offered indefinitely."

A display in which a blockish fish is swimming.

Set a character made by yourself block ... ...


Then you can now let the character swim in the water. It is a place where you can make your character made in the real world move in the 2D world and to demonstrate the creativity of the child.

Yellow zones with flowers can grow plants of the Lego block in the grassland area.

The appearance of actually exploring inside of LEGO House is also made public.

This is LEGO House official video - Sneak peek of what's inside LEGO House - YouTube

A family who has been brought to Mr. Mike Ganderton who is an experience designer of LEGO House. When asked, "Do you have a ticket?", The woman takes out the smartphone.

Tickets are managed by smartphones, reading is done by putting the screen in the scanner.

Pass through the gate. Girls are playing wristbands, but this is a substitute for half tickets.

I will go up the stairs.

The boy is pointing at the huge object displayed in the middle of the stairwell in the colonnade.

Besides this, a huge object made of Lego block. This is "Masterpiece Gallery", and a variety of works are decorated.

Arrived in the red zone with lots of blocks. The girl is absorbed in the Lego block ignoring Mr. Ganderton explaining about the red zone.

It looks like the blocks are color-coded, and the image shows how many yellow blocks are collected in large quantities.

Compared with human size, the size of the waterfall is good. It is said that 400,000 blocks are prepared in the red zone.

Next we scan the wristband ... ...

I am taking pictures of myself. It seems to be able to take a commemorative photo with my work.

Arrived in the Blue Zone where you can design the city.

In the area called "Robo Lab", it is possible to move the robot by instructing from the display.

Operating the screen ......

As the robot moves according to the instructions, we will move the robot and clear the task.

Below are the shots of stop motion animation in the green zone.

Put the items you want to move ... ....

Prepare the camera.

And shooting started with "action!"

In the yellow zone 'Fish designer' scans for creatures made with blocks.

Then, the character you created will come out and move from the piping in the display.

The staircase is also LEGO specification.

Also "history collection" which you can learn about Lego's history.

You can also get the original LEGO consisting of six blocks. When you hold the wristband ......

Take the lane and the Lego block will come.

Since original / Lego is dropped in the box, it is ok if you get your own from here.

Of course, Legostoa is also provided.

The restaurant looks like this.

Assemble blocks while watching the menu ......

Set up the blocks assembled in the machine that is placed on the table.

Then the order you assembled yourself is made in the display ......

When cooking is completed, you will receive a box from the robot.

The box contains the order you assembled.

in Video,   Design, Posted by darkhorse_log