A boy appears to solve Rubik's cube in the world's fastest 4.69 seconds

ByRick Harris

A cubic puzzle with 3 x 3 per side, that is, 9 cubes is "Rubik's Cube"is. Everyone is one of the pronouns of a three-dimensional puzzle that may have tried once, but since the cube arrangement is 4325 Kyoto 2003 trillion 274,488,885,56 thousand styles as well, "As far as I could solve it There should be some people saying. In a competition called "Speed ​​Cube" competing how fast to solve such a Rubik 's Cube, a 16 - year - old boy who shot the world fastest record, 4.69 seconds, blew up.

4.69 Rubik's Cube World Record | Patrick Ponce - YouTube

Patrick Ponce, a 16-year-old American boy, solved the Rubik's Cube at 4.69 seconds in the world's fastest record.

The game started with the cube arrangement hidden ... ...

I will carefully observe the Rubik's cube for about 7 seconds. At this time the time is not measured because the cube of the Rubik cube has not been moved.

After checking the arrangement of the cubes, put the Rubik's cube on the mat ... ...

Speed ​​cube start.

Ponce wearing a cube moving fast enough that she is not sure what is going on in amateurs. If you look at still images you can see well that there are already cubes for the first time.

Then just let out the cube in just 4 seconds ... ...

Put your hands on the mat.

This mat is a time measurement mat dedicated to the speed cube, Ponce who starts to laugh at seeing the time displayed at hand.

People gather around and explode joy.

I picked up the camera I had for recording ... ...

I will show the time at hand. The record is "4.693 seconds", the world's fastest record is updated.

Ponce updated the record on July 2, 2017 in the Rubik's Cup convention in Virginia, USA "Rally In The Valley 2017In the matter, the movie will end without screaming the big scream of "Omiger" of the event participants.

RecordAccording to the "slice turn method (STM)" which counts slice move as one hand, it seems that it has solved the Rubik's cube with 41 hands and moved the cube 8.74 times per second.

Furthermore, it is possible to check in what order the cube was moved on the following page in order.


Patrick Ponce's 4.69 seconds is also the world record in the world record rankings of the Speed ​​Cube published on the official website of the World Cube Association that organizes the Rubik's Cup event and organizing the Rubik's Cube tournaments held around the world It is certified.

World Cube Association - Official Results

In addition, among the top 100 fastest records among the top 100 Japanese records are strikingYuri FushimiAnd the record is 5.99 seconds. This record is based on the Rubik's Cube Asian Games "Asian Championship 2016The situation in that case was recorded in the following movie.

Rubik's Cube 5.99 single and 8.18 average at AC2016 - YouTube

in Video, Posted by logu_ii