Google announced corporate program "Chrome Enterprise", announced that it will pay $ 50 a year (about 5500 yen)

GoogleChromebookNew program for companies introducing "Chrome EnterpriseWe announced. As a similar program, "Chromebooks for WorkAlthough it exists, the content has been strengthened.

Introducing Chrome Enterprise

The "simple", "high speed" Chromebook equipped with OS "Chrome OS" Google has made the goal of "safe" is also characterized by easy centralized management, it has been utilized in a wide range of fields, including business and education.

For the business, there is a program called "Chromebooks for Works" that helps the operation of many installed Chromebooks, and it is possible to use it for $ 50 a year (about 5500 yen) per device.

In "Chrome Enterprise"VMware Workspace ONE,andMicrosoft Active DirectoryIn cooperation with the on-premises system can also be integrated.

Feeling comparison with Chrome OS is as follows, Chrome Enterprise has the above-mentioned new functions, "management of Google Play" "management of Chrome extension and browser setting" "management of printer settings" "Single sign-on support" "Public &Ephemeral modeAnd kiosk mode "" Network and proxy management "" OS update management "" anti-theft "and so on.

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