An indication of a large eruption and experts warned of a huge Italian volcano that has been silent for 500 years

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In Italy "Campi Flegrei (Campi Flegrei)"Is known as one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. Scientists are warning that Campi Flegrei has finished hibernation for about 500 years and it is finally showing signs that it is approaching criticality before the eruption.

Progressive approach to eruption at Campi Flegrei caldera in southern Italy | Nature Communications

Experts warn that Italy's supervolcano could be closer to an eruption than we think - ScienceAlert

Campi Flegrei is a plain meaning "burning field" in Italian, with a caldera spreading 12 kilometers wide in the west of Naples, the central city of Italy. At first glance it looks like a plain Campi Flegrei, but as you can see from the huge number of caldera there is a danger zone counted as one of the dangerous volcanoes in the world, most of the volcano is hiding under the Mediterranean, In the sea is a large volcano consisting of 24 craters.

This Campi · Flegrei, one hundred thousand gallons (about 3.7 trillion liters) of lava erupted by eruption 200 thousand years ago, the volcano collapsed and a huge caldera was formed,The theory that the Neanderthal people were extinct by the large eruptionIs announced in 2010, it is known for performing intense volcanic activities. As a relatively close period, we also know that there are two major eruptions occurred 35,000 years ago and 120 million years ago. However, after a small eruption of 1538 years continued for 8 days, Campi Flegrei was considered to be in a quiet period. Although a relatively small eruption, a new mountain of Monte Nuovo was born around.

Dr. Stefano Carlino's research team has published a paper on science journal Nature Communications that reports that there is an indication that Kamppi and Flegrey who has kept silence erupt nearby. According to the research team, the unstable condition of two years continued in the 1950s, 1970s, and 1980s, respectively, but these times did not reach the energy required for the eruption, It is said that energy is accumulating this time. This research report shows that the magma gas that may cause the eruption of Campi Flegrei, which the research team of Dr. Giuseppe de Natale of the Italian National Geophysical Institute (NASA) et al. Issued in December 2016, It has affinity with the research that it is approaching.

When the Campi Flegrei is due to the simulation in the case of eruption, it has been expected to lava is spread on a scale to swallow Naples.

Video-simulazione dell'eruzione dei Campi Flegrei (di INGV) - YouTube

Dr. Giuseppe de Natale says that the Kamppi and Flegrey eruptions may have a tragic impact comparable to meteorite collisionPointing outdoing. The Italian government has increased the alert level of the eruption to "warning alert" at the time of publication of the paper in December 2016 and calls attention to volcanic activity. However, it is unknown when it will be possible to detect in advance when Campi Flegrey erupts. It seems that it depends on how the magma that fell 3 kilometers downward from the surface layer of the caldera center behaves in the coming decades.

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log