It is obvious that Japan's Pokemon GO player is charged 3 times in the United States


At one time5000 downloads per minuteA game for smartphones that boasted of being popular as "Pokemon GO (Pokémon GO)". Although it was hoped for explosive popularity for a while, in January 2017 sales worldwide reached 1 billion dollars (about 110 billion yen)Break throughIt became clear that you did, and has been constantly being played by many fans. Data on such a Pokemon GOSensor TowerIt is open to the public.

Japanese Players Lead Pokémon GO Spending at Three Times the U.S. Average Per Download

Sensor Tower, an application-related research company, has developed a service called "Store Intelligence" that provides a variety of analysis of applications on the App Store and Google Play by leveraging robust algorithms and millions of data It is. According to figures which this Store Intelligence flicked out, Japanese Pokemon GO player has purchased in-app billing content for an average of $ 26 (about 2900 yen) per download in the past 12 months.

Below is a graph showing the total purchase amount of in-app charged content in each country divided by the number of downloads of Pokemon GO. It is clear that Japan is the top of the list and it has purchased more than three times the second place in the USA.

In the first year of release, the total amount of Japanese players purchasing Pokemon GO No charge in Charge content is about 318 million dollars (about 36 billion yen). Considering that the total sales of in-app charges content in all mobile games in the same year in the United States was about 444 million dollars (about 50 billion yen), how much Japanese players purchase charged contents You can see how it is.

According to the survey, Japanese mobile game users are not limited to Pokemon GO, they are purchasing more charged content than players in any other country, "affinity with Pokemon GO is remarkable," Sensor Tower's Randy Nelson, an analyst.

Although it is Pokemon GO released in July 2016, by July 2017Cumulative earnings exceeded $ 1.2 billion, The cumulative number of downloads of iOS · Android applications has exceeded 750 million times, and the number of unique downloads is about 323 million times. In addition, on 11th May 2017 Pokemon GOThe total distance the user walked was 15.8 billion kmIt is said that it exceeds.

in Mobile,   Game, Posted by logu_ii