Intel turned out to end small development board products such as Edison and Galileo

Intel is a computer with an SD card size "Edison"We have released a series of small development boards such as, but it became clear that we plan to fade out a series of board products quietly.

Intel Discontinues Joule, Galileo, And Edison Product Lines | Hackaday

It became clear that Intel will finish selling "Galileo" "Edison" "Jule" for shipping on December 16, 2017. The end of sales of these products was not announced as a press release, but it was clarified in a document in a database that manages Intel products.

Both products are announced within Intel 's keynote lecture by Intel' s developer conference IDF and electronics show CES, etc, Intel 's keynote lecture, such as Intel' s position as an important product that plays the future and decorate a spectacular debut Despite of it, it decided to quietly disappear from the market.

Intel Announces "Edison" Ultra-Small Computer of the Same Size as SD Card - GIGAZINE

Intel Announces Small and High-Performance Module "Joule" to Help Develop IoT Equipment - GIGAZINE

Meanwhile, sales of the button size computer "Curie" announced at CES 2015 will not be announced as there is no announcement on the product sales schedule change.

Intel releases astonishing wearable module "Curie" that enters all buttons - GIGAZINE

While Raspberry Pi, Arduino and countless Chinese made microcomputer boards are flooded with the market, the impression that Intel was forced to withdraw from the small board market is impossible. In addition, Intel has released a compact PC "Compute Card" with a footprint on the order of credit cards, so for future embedded applications it may be focusing on here.

Intel announces CREA size computer "Compute Card" 5 mm in thickness - GIGAZINE

You can check the schedule such as the end time and final shipment timing of order receipt of each product by the following PDF file.

· Galileo
PCN 115581-00.pdf

· Edison
PCN 115579-00.pdf

· Joule
PCN 115580-00.pdf

in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log