The level of doujin movie "Voldemort: Successor's Origin" made by Harry Pota fans is too high

Why was Lord Voldemort a birthrone as a story not talked about in the movie / novel "Harry Potter" series? Doujin movie that admits Warner that "Voldemort: Origins of the Heir (Voldemort: Origin of the successor)"Is made by fans. The first trailer released has faithfully reproduced the view of the world of the movie, such as sets and effects, and the level is too high, for a moment "MADIs it a video? It has become perfection degree enough to confuse with.

"VOLDEMORT: Origins of the Heir TEASER" was released on May 28, 2017 the first trailer, but the concept trailer was released on March 12, 2016 before that, "Fans The level is too high to be thought of as a work ". The number of views on YouTube exceeds 1.6 million.

Voldemort: Origins of the Heir [CONCEPT Trailer] HD - YouTube

At the beginning of the movie "This fans film is not aimed for profit, a note that all the rights of Voldemort character and imitation of him belong to Warner Bros. Entertainment and JK Rowling."

It was a quidditch game that began.

Enthusiastic crowd.

There are people in the position overlooking the match venue.

As a player of Quidditch and the main character of the story Grissa McLagen suddenly saw ......

There was a figure of Tom Marvoro Riddle that later became Lord Voldemort.

Hogwart limited express shot from afar.

What Riddle writes seriously ...


It appears to be talking to alumni ......

The fact is Riddle who is indifferent to people.

We also have an unusual atmosphere in the lounge.

Instead of a scene, a boy who is killed by a pier.

What is coming up ...

It was Tom Riddle that makes her eyes bright red.

There is also a battle scene.

What is the relationship between the hero and Riddle?

And what Riddle found from the shelf of the forbidden ......

Information on the dark magic "Spirit Box".

"Have you forgotten what happened to Hagrit?"

Ornaments that the founder of each dormitory in Hogwarts inherited.

A sign of darkness that lifts up.

"He was always Lord Voldemort"

And the newly released video is below. "TEASER # 1" is included in the title, and it is expected that the main video will be released after several trailers have been dropped.

VOLDEMORT: Origins of the Heir TEASER # 1 - YouTube

Receive a magical attack ......

The magician bouncing back.

"Tom Marvoro Riddle"

"After graduating from Hogwarts, he graduated from Hogwarts and soon found employment at Virgin and Barks, who deals with the magic of darkness, and then made a mysterious disappearance."

"And the year when there was a scandal in 1943"

"The Lord of the house was murdered by the house manor fairy"

"The killed Hepjiba Smith was the descendant of Haffrupaufu"

"The incident that the Lord will be poisoned by the farmer's house Family enters labyrinth"

"But I still feel the smell of dark magic"

"I swear, Tom, as a descendant of Griffin Doll, stop you."

A movie is being produced by a nonprofit organization by Harry Potter Fan called "Tryangle". According to Tryangle's official website, the idea of ​​"Voldemort: Origins of the Heir" was born when I read the sixth series "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". How Tom Riddle took Soldor Voldemort, what happened until he left Hogwarts and visited again, and what pulled him back to Hogwarts was not clearly mentioned in the original and movie Hmm. So Tryangle started working on the movie to fill in the "blank" in the story.


The project of "VOLDEMORT: Origins of the Heir" began in 2016, and the investment was solicited at Kickstarter of the Cloud Funding platform at one time, but the project stopped because there is a copyright problem I was in no avail. After that, Tryangle has consultation with Warner Bros., with agreement, to be able to continue film production.According to information on Facebook page, The end of 2017 that the main video will be released on YouTube.

in Video,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log