NASA released "Jupiter's song" recorded by Jupiter Julun, the identity of the mysterious beep is unknown

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NASA's Jupiter ExplorerJuneau"Of the Jovian magnetosphereionosphere"The sound of Jupiter plasma" was recorded from the publication of materials such as. The sound source which can also be said as "song of Jupiter" contains a mysterious beep sound that can not be explained to NASA's research team, and it is valuable material that can experience the mysterious cosmic phenomenon.

Juno Media Teleconference | NASA

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Is "the sound of Jupiter plasma" released by NASA embedded in YouTube below ...?

Plasma Sounds at Jupiter - YouTube

You can listen from SoundCloud's NASA official account.

The above sound source is the plasma wave signal actually recorded by Juno in the ionosphere of Jupiter and it indicates that the plasma density increases when Juneau approaches the ionosphere of Jupiter. However, since the actual frequency exceeds the human audible range, these sounds can not be heard even when humans approach Jupiter. It seems that processing is done so that it can be heard even by humans by setting the playback speed of the recorded frequency to 1/60. As a result, there is something like a beep sound that the machine outputs at every part of the sound source, but why the beep sound is generated if the playback speed is slowed down can also be clarified by the research team of NASA "We are currently investigating the exact origin of each tone," he says.

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