Elucidation of the mechanism by which innumerable 'cloud bands' appearing on Jupiter's surface are created

By Seán Doran
On the surface of Jupiter , the largest planet in the solar system, a beautiful banded pattern made by ammonia clouds appears and is known to change fluidically. The mechanism did not come little is known, Jupiter spacecraft Juneau from observation by, the actual figure that has been revealed little by little.
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Jupiter is about 11 times the diameter of the Earth's size. It is a gas planet that has a "core" in the center of the star but does not have a "crust" like the earth, and it knows that there are various striped patterns and a huge vortex "large red spot" on its surface It has been done.

It was the astronomer Giovanni Cassini that first discovered the pattern of Jupiter's surface. The figure of Jupiter discovered by Cassini in the 1660s came to be observed more in detail by the spacecraft "Juneau" which was launched about 350 years later from there.

Of the things discovered by Juneau, there are several existences that mankind has never known before so far.

One of them is the existence of multiple vortices that exist near the two poles.

On the surface of Jupiter there are thick clouds, also known as ammonia thick 3000 km thick, but below that there is a cyclone in the extreme part and a large cyclone surrounding it It was.

You can see the details of the cyclone by reading the following article.
Under the atmosphere of Jupiter's streaky pattern, it turned out that there is a world that makes the earth imaginable such as "dense cyclone densely" - GIGAZINE

Also, it is observed that cloud patterns are layered like geometric like the following picture. It is clear from the various data observed by Juno that how this pattern is formed.

Although Jupiter is a gas planet, there are "core" and a layer in which hydrogen is liquid at high pressure. Hydrogen is compressed around the core and a layer of metallic hydrogen that has repeated phase transition exists.

Convective motion is occurring in the layer of metallic hydrogen, and Jupiter has strong geomagnetism due to the current generated by convection. Its size is considered to be ten thousand times that of the earth.

However, the magnitude of the geomagnetism near the surface of the planet is about 10 to 20 times that of the Earth.

Nonetheless, it has been confirmed that in Jupiter the aurora caused by the geomagnetism of its own occurs in polar regions, since it has much stronger magnetism than the Earth.

Observing the geomagnetism of Jupiter in detail, it has been found that its strength varies from region to region.

The clouds on the surface of Jupiter are in a state that they can be classified into narrow bands as shown in the figure below, and each one moves individually.

Observation reveals that the belt reaches the depth of 3000 to 5000 km from the surface of Jupiter.

And under that, gradually I realized that the main component of Jupiter by liquid hydrogen will rotate like an individual.

Juneau has approached Jupiter once every 53rd, makes various observations, and sends a tremendous amount of data to the earth. It is believed that valuable discoveries that will become key to solving Jupiter's mystery will continue in the future.

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