Potential for explosion of 7000 "methane foams" on the surface of Russia's permafrost area

It is said that methane gas has a greenhouse effect as much as 80 times as much as carbon dioxide, and it is said that its existence can not be overlooked in the midst of global warming. In a new paper by Russian scientists, it is confirmed that "permeable froth" full of methane exists in the permafrost zone of northern Russia, Siberia, when the "explosion" of gas and It has been found out that it is in such a state that it can be released into the atmosphere.

7,000 underground gas bubbles poised to 'explode' in Arctic

7,000 massive methane gas bubbles under the Russian permafrost possible explode anytime

The research team conducted field surveys and surveys by artificial satellites to investigate the state of "methane foam" in the Siberian region. Then, there were confirmed several bulges where the surface of the earth greatly jumped up.

Alexey Titovsky, who conducted the survey, said, "These bulges are called bubbles containing methane gas, in local terms" bulgunyakh. "When this bubble bursts, methane gas is released into the atmosphere, "The topography of a hole like a huge" wolf "will be formed."

The appearance of the hole actually confirmed is like this.

The hole can be as large as 100 meters in diameter. Rainwater gathers in the hole that got on the strait and a huge lake is born.

The existence of similar "bubbles" has been confirmed so far, but this time it was the first time that it was confirmed that the number was so far. The following movies are famous for shooting "bubbles" in the past, but you can see how the ground sways as if the ground floats on the water.

Underground methane bubbles - YouTube

The Siberian region has been a region of "permafrost" where the surface freezes because the temperature is low throughout the year so far, but there is a situation where frozen melts one after another due to the rise in temperature in recent years. In NASA's published data on the temperature fluctuation from 1951 to 1980, it can be confirmed that the temperature in the Siberian region on the upper right is the maximum and the temperature is about 12 degrees Celsius higher.

A similar frozen territory exists not only in Russia but also in northern Canada and Alaska state in the United States. Pipelines for transporting crude oil are laid in those areas, and it is also conceivable that the infrastructure will be greatly damaged if the "bubbles" burst and the ground collapses as well. The survey team will continue similar investigation in 2017 and aim to grasp further actual situation.

in Science,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log