The IoT market is expected to grow to a huge market of more than 20 trillion yen in 2023
ByPictures of Money
We are publishing research reports on various industries and marketsReportsn ReportsBut,IoTDue to the popularization of devices, IoT market has been released to forecast that it will grow to 195 billion dollars (about 22 trillion yen) in 2023.
Internet of Things (IoT) Market Shares, Strategies, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2017 to 2023: Reportsn Reports
IoT's Market Projected to Grow From $ 16 B (2016) to $ 195 Billion (2023) - Tech Ladder
In the IoT market in 2016, as the demand for smart appliances, smart phones, transportation equipment, etc. has increased, "Demand for communication infrastructure for data collection has increased", the market size of $ 16 billion (about 1.8 trillion yen) It has grown to. Furthermore, according to Reportsn Reports, the IoT market is expected to grow to 195 billion dollars (about 22 trillion yen), which is more than ten times as large as in 2016 by 2023.
◆ How far is the IoT device in the first place?
ICT advisory companyGartnerAnnounced a report in 2015 that "more than 6.4 billion IoT devices are connected to the Internet in 2016 and this number rises exponentially over the next ten years". In addition, industry associations related to the TV industry in the United StatesNCTAAlso, in 2014 IoT's spread prediction graph is released. In the graph, IoT will increase to about 22.9 billion units in 2016 and furthermore in 2020 over 50 billion IoT devices will be expected to appear. Although Gartner and NCTA's investigation reports are different from each other, both predict that "IoT devices will become increasingly popular exponentially".COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2016Even though many companies were exhibiting IoT-related exhibits, its attention is obvious.
◆ What does IoT mean in the first place?
More advanced smart devices require more data to make decisions. As the number of such advanced smart devices increases, the demand for sensors and devices for collecting external data is rising, and the IoT market has continued to grow as a result of IoT's responsibility. Various sensors are required depending on time / place / object such as acceleration sensor, temperature sensor, GPS etc.
The following graph deals with IoT related contentPostscapesUnderstand "What is IoT?" Released byInfographicsIt is clear that IoT is a sensor of various kinds besides acceleration sensor and temperature sensor.
◆ Which fields are demanded by IoT?
In addition, the following is a graph showing "Which fields are profitable from IoT semiconductor?" Published by Gartner in 2014. Consumer, blue is the consumer, green is the automobile industry, orange is industrial, light blue is other, and the graph starts, most of the IoT market is occupied by 2013 in the beginning, And demand is expected to grow in the industrial sector.
◆ IoT is required to connect data with business
With the spread of IoT, enterprises will remotely operate various things if many things are connected by the Internet. What matters here is "to control the terminal accurately at the site". For that purpose, it is necessary to collect and analyze more accurate data, and more precise IoT and ecosystem that supports it will be required.
To realize a stable IoT ecosystem, there must be a solid infrastructure to support it. However, it is not yet known whether or not a huge investment in telecommunications infrastructure will support the growth of the IoT market.
In addition, IoT also has problems related to cyber security.INeighborhoodsAccording to David Sandell, founder of the company, security says security will become an increasingly important problem as the number of devices grows, and some IoT applications will provide confidential information such as patient information in real time Because there are cases to deal with, it is obvious that the security aspect of IoT will be a major focus in the future.
Hacking damage has already occurred targeting vulnerable security aspects of IoT devices.
The DDoS attack of unprecedented history of 1 terabit per second occurred, the attacker hacked 145 thousand webcams hacked - GIGAZINE
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