Data that understands "Are you normal?" Data summarizing various things
ByLoa bacon
A movie that gathers data that shows how far it is far from the general averageAre You Normal?"Has been released.
Are You Normal? - YouTube
For example, 85% of the world's population is right-handed.
Even though both parents were left-handed, the chances of that child becoming left-handed are only 25%.
65 to 85% of the populationTo tongueBecause it is possible to do so, people who can not do may say "not normal". Furthermore, since only 0.5% of the total population has red hair, it can be said to be a rather rare hair color.
65% of those who have passed out wisdom tea ceremony, how much population they wear glasses is about 2.5 billion people. The more people who wear glasses, the more they feel that people who wear glasses will become more common. In addition, it is said that the possibility of becoming nearsighted increases if the time spent indoors at childhood is long.
Furthermore, 50.2% of healthy adults in the United States are single, whereas in the 1970s, 37.4% were single. In other words, in the United States, unmarried adults are increasing year by year, and being single is becoming common.
On the other hand, 80% of adults are married in the world as a whole. The average age at which men marry is 22.8 for women, 25.4 for men, and the average age at marriage is 17.9 for Romania, but in Greece it will rise to 31.2.
Because the name "Sofia" is the name most attached in nine countries including the United States, it may be called "the most common name".
Today, the proportion of people who are wearing condoms worn by men aged 15 to 44 years of age is 65.8%, while that of 2006 is 47.7%.
When a young man aged 15 to 19 makes sex for the first time, the proportion of wearing a condom is 78.1%, so it seems that the first time sexing is going to wear a condom.
According to a survey conducted by the Center for Disease Prevention and Control, the average age at the time of sex for the first time was 16.8 for males and 17.2 for females.
61.3% of the world population are hired ... ...
The most common job category in the United States is retail. Below that is a cashier, clerk, cook, nurse, waiter and so on.
Also, since 75% of adults digest lactose, there are few enzymes, so taking lactose such as milk will destroy your stomach "Lactose intoleranceIt is said that it is.
Vegetarians (vegetarians) are only 4 to 5% in the US, but in India the proportion exceeds 30%.
The reason why there are many birthdays in August and September is that when people are getting cold in November or December, the opportunities for people to go out are reduced, the behavior in the bedroom is increased, and a lot of children are born in 9 months It is also said.
The average brassiere size of contemporary American women is 36 C, the average bra size of 15 years ago is 34 B. Incidentally,Convert to Japanese sizeThen, 36 C is 78 to 82 cm under and cup size is C to D.
In addition, the average penis size of men is 13 cm. However, since most of the penis size is self-reported, it is not a precisely measured value, so it may be a bit far from the actual number.
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