Developed a jet suit that can fly in the air like Ironman with wearing a jet engine on both arms and legs

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The essential desire of "human beings who want to fly around the sky freely" is becoming a reality with the evolution of technology. British Richard Browning has developed a jet engine suit that wears a jet engine on both feet of both hands and succeeded in air flight.

Iron Man Richard Browning is a real-life Tony Stark | WIRED UK

You can check the state of using the jet engine to catch the sky like Iron Man in the following movie.

British entrepreneur invents, builds and files patent for Iron Man-like flight suit - YouTube

Experiment using a small jet engine.

as ifCobraAttach it like a psycho gun in your hand.

The power that far grass is knocked down.

Add 1 jet engine.

It is a pattern to use fuel on the backpack.

Jet engine on both arms.

A state of taking a blast from both hands.

When the jet engine is turned to the ground, it drips up floating.

Jet engines to 4 aircraft.

Attach it to the boots.

Jet engine that burns fire.

Suspended with a rope.

We got off the platform ahead of time ... ...

Floating test.

Unfortunately, I could not do it well.

I continued to improve and finally test without a rope. I take time to balance it, but gradually get hold of the knack.

Lunar landingNeil ArmstrongAs if to move like Pyoko Pyco.

Save your strength as if you crouch ... ...

Large jump

And both arms finally become a dual jet engine.

Both height and flight distance have been greatly improved.

Attached special armor suit with safety consideration.

Fuel backpack is divided into right and left and each structure separates fuel.

A Sony head-up display is installed. Information can be displayed in front of you.

It is finally a test with Six Jet Engine.

Power is enormous. I understand that the stability is up.

From above the table ......

Fluffy and floating.

But if you give up, you will fall.

Browning, repeating floating training.

Finally, I succeeded in flying in the air.

Mr. Browning has repeated experiments for more than two years, and has continued steadfast muscle training.

carp streamer. In order to steer six jet engines steadily, it seems that this level of muscular strength and balance feeling are required.

As a result of repeating the test for two and a half years, we have successfully floated in the air for 12 minutes now. By the way, it is said that development cost of a flight suit took up to 40,000 pounds (about 5.6 million yen).

Browning is a trader of oil major BP. Develop a flying suitProject GravityWe are continuing to develop dream aerial flying suits.

Mr. Browning's father was an aviation engineer working at a helicopter maker and went on to the way of inventor, but he died without doubt that he lost his life. Mr. Browning, who took over his father's dream, continues to work on BP and continues to develop suit that can be flying just by wearing it.

in Hardware,   Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log