The result of the jewelry shop issuing a mysterious signboard advertisement "Sometimes throwing stones at girls"

ByGraham Hodgson

One jewelry store issued a sign of a message saying "Sometimes, it's ok to throw rocks at girls ... (sometimes even throwing a stone at a girl)", a big debate centering on SNS is taking place I will.

Protest planned over jewelry store's controversial billboard | WLOS

This jewelry store's billboard got everyone so riled up even even Chelsea Clinton tweeted about it

E.O. Wick, who worked at Tiffany, left his stupidity in New York and opened a jewelry restoration shop in Asheville, North Carolina in 1926. Later Mr. Wick hired Paul Greene as an apprentice and was born by Mr. Greene officially becoming a partner of Wick who studied the technology and business to customize jewelry under Mr. Wick "Spicer Greene Jewelers"is. In other words, Spicer Greene Jewelers is a long-established jewelry shop with a history of more than 90 years, but the signboard that Spicer Greene Jewelers stood beside the road is controversial.

The signboard of the problem is kore. Colorful jewels are scattered with the message "Sometimes, it's ok to throw rocks at girls ... (sometimes you can throw a stone at a girl)".

As a message written on the signboard is hinted at violence against women, as soon as photos are published on the Internet, it quickly spread through SNS and many criticisms have been made as follows It was.

"Let's count on unacceptable points for this sign: (1) It implies violence to women (2)" girls "(3) stereotype"

"Because you consider violence against women funny, are you considering this sign as humorous?"

"There is no such thing as having fun attacking girls." Even once. "

"It is not OK to always throw stones, stupid jewelry shops should hire new advertising companies."

Also, as of March 24 (Fri), Ellen Perry, a teacher at North Carolina Ashville University, was also reported to be protesting outside the store of Spicer Greene Jewelers.

But what do you think about signs on Twitter? A questionnaire survey on Twitter showed that "Offensive" is 7%, "Inappropriate" is 13%, "Harmless" is 48%, "Funny" There are also many people who think 32% "harmless". The total number of votes in the questionnaire is 236 votes.

In response, Spicer Greene Jewelers announced a comment. "We do not tolerate any form of violence.We have noticed the context of advertisement and the mistakes we made.Advertisement was not intended to invite discussions but the signboard Has conveyed information that is different from our intention, remember a deep sadness that the signboards intended to recommend "acts of giving gifts to gifts" have hurt someone I told you on Facebook ".

We have not condone violence of any kind ...

Spicer Greene JewelersPosted byMarch 23, 2017

In addition, Eva - Michelle, one of the owner of the current Spicer Greene Jewelers, is a member of the organization called "Women for Women" that improves the lives of women and girls through collective donations, and was taught at childhood I wanted you to remember nostalgic thoughts, "Michelle says.

This is not the first time that the signboard of Spicer Greene Jewelers was criticized, and in the past "WISE MEN BRING GIFTS (smart man brings gifts)" ... ...

Signs "SHE'S TIRED OF WATING. (She is tired from waiting)"

"SAM, WILL YOU MARRY ME?" (Sam, can you marry me?) "Signboard was raised and raised discussions. In addition, the sign "Sam, will you marry me?" Is a name that can take both male and female names "Sam", so that you can take both messages to men and messages to women It is said that it is doing.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log