An awesome trap that seals the movement of an automatic driving car with a simple trick

The automatic driving car that runs while judging the situation of the road and the surroundings is equipped with artificial intelligence (AI), but by taking the judgment ability to the opposite, once the trap enters the automatic driving car moves The concept that it can not be taken is publicly announced.

Meet the Artist Using Ritual Magic to Trap Self-Driving Cars - Creators

He is a creator living in LondonJames BridleMr. made two rings drawn by this solid line and broken line. This work named "Autonomous Trap 001" is sized to fit in just the car, and it is said that when the automatic driving car enters this, it can not move.

The scenery that actually makes this work is contained in the following movie.

Autonomous Trap 001 on Vimeo

A car parked in a large parking lot.

I started writing a circle with a white object around it.

After surrounding the car all around ... ...

Next, I started drawing a circle with a broken line outside that circle. In addition, it is said that salt is used for this white object.

If you surround it perfectly completed in Kore.

It seems like this actually seals the movement of an automatic driving car. Automatic driving car came in from the road to the parking lot ......

Entering into a double circle ...

The movement ceased and I could not move. After this, the car did not move again until the movie was over ......

This is to "hack" the mechanism that the automatic driving car runs while reading the lane drawn on the road. From the dashed line to the solid line it is "good to enter", whereas from the solid line to the dashed line, according to the overseas road labeling rule of "no entry", although it puts in the circle, once it enters It is a concept that expresses the concept of being completely sealed by being surrounded by a line of "prohibited".

The vehicle actually used is not an automatic driving car. Bridle, who is also a programmer, is involved in the development of an automatic driving car, such as publishing the AI ​​code developed by himself at the following GitHub, but this art is aimed at understanding the automatic driving technology in the process of development It says that it sometimes expresses that it is also necessary to obstruct or reverse the flag.

GitHub - stml / Austeer: A simple Android app for tracking movement, speed, and steering angle for self - driving car development.

in Ride,   Video,   Art, Posted by darkhorse_log