Shell warned about global warming produced by 1991 Documentary film was discovered and boomerang is eaten


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Royal Dutch Shell, Europe's largest energy group company, found out that in 1991 he had produced a documentary film "Climate of Concern" warning of the danger of global warming caused by climate change. In this documentary movie, what is going to happen in the near future due to the progress of climate change is drawn, but it is different from the current shell trend, it is criticized by British newspaper · The Guardian It is.

Shell made a film about climate change in 1991 (then neglected to heed its own warning)

Shell's 1991 warning: climate changing 'at faster rate than at any time since end of ice age' | Environment | The Guardian

You can check the movie that summarizes Shell's documentary movie in 3 minutes from the following movie.

What Shell knew about climate change in in 1991 - video explainer - YouTube

The documentary movie "Climate of Concern" was created as a teaching material for viewing at schools and companies, but it seems to have been buried for a long time without being used. It was The Correspondent of the Dutch media that got the VHS of this movie.

The movie explains the mechanism of global warming and talks about various problems caused by global warming. For example, Shell complains about the risk of subtropical islands sinking due to sea level rise resulting from global warming, the lowlands in coastal areas being at risk of groundwater contamination, and environmental refugees caused by climate change, 1991 At the point in time you can see that you understand enough to warn you about "carbon dioxide generated by burning petroleum causes environmental problems".

In the movie, Shell made 3D model of warming also appeared. The location of the red color indicates the place where the temperature rises more than 5 degrees since 1991.

Graphs showing the relationship between carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere and coal, oil and natural gas are also made. The graph shows that carbon dioxide emissions have increased since about 1900 when oil appeared and that in the 1990s the proportion of atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased to 350 ppm.

In addition, in the movie, Shell explains that you are concentrating on solutions such as solar power generation and wind power generation to stop progress of global warming.

The Guardian who got this movie from The Correspondent said "Shell was showing concern about global warming in 1991, but was criticized as" psychopath "from John Ashton, a special representative of the British Foreign Ministry's climate change issue We have criticized Shell as continuing doing the opposite thing to the content of the documentary.

According to Carbon Tracker of a non-profit think tank, Shell has produced greenhouse gases during the production and production processes since 1991Oil sandIt is said that oil stockpiles obtained from oil sands cover 30% of the group. Shell also participates in organizations that lobby against government measures, taking a negative attitude towards climate change issues such as American Legislative Exchange Council (withdrawal in 2015) and Business Roundtable and American Petroleum Institute .

She explained that participating in these organizations, "Although incorporating different opinions on climate change," Thomas O'Neill of Influence Map, who is following the organization's movements, said, "Shell and other Energy enterprises are participating in these organizations is to make things that we can not say as a company or to say something we do not want to say instead. "

At the end of 2015The 21st Conference of the PartiesIn the Paris agreement decided by the international parliament, an international goal was set to keep the average temperature rise to less than 2 degrees compared to before the Industrial Revolution. In order to realize the target twice, it is necessary to limit the emission of carbon dioxide, that is, to limit the amount of combustion of fossil fuels such as oil and coal. However, since the amount of fossil fuel owned by a company is too large, if you try to achieve the target twice, many fossil fuels will remain as uncollectable assets, possibly leading to a global financial crisis . The financial crisis caused by this unrecoverable fossil fuel is called "carbon bubble".

Carbon Tracker published in 2016Report"Shell did not take any action while noticing that a carbon bubble would occur in 1998. Shell is trying to escape the responsibility for the threat of carbon bubbles to the business in the past 20 years by eliminating transparency It is condemned as "It is. Shell himself evaluated that the carbon bubble is "alarming" and those who criticized the company with a carbon bubbleCondemnationDid.

In addition, the full length of Shell's documentary movie can be confirmed from the following movie.

Climate of Concern - Royal Dutch Shell (1991) - YouTube

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log