A survey result that the suicide rate of teenagers will decrease when legalizing same-sex marriage

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A survey result that a clear correlation was found between the legalization of same-sex marriage and the suicide rate of teenagers was announced at the American Medical Journal (pediatrics).

State Same - Sex Marriage Policies and Adolescent Suicide Attempts | Adolescent Medicine | JAMA Pediatrics | The JAMA Network

Same-sex marriage laws may decrease teen suicide attempt rates, says study - CNN.com

A research group of Dr. Julian Lifeman of Johns Hopkins University compared the state where the same sex marriage was legalized to the state which is not legitimate, and in the state where gay marriage was legalized, gay · lesbians · by Announced that it was confirmed that suicide rate and attempted suicide rate of LGBT (sexual minority) such as sexual decreased.

In the survey, we compared the results of attempted suicide attempts reported in each state between 1999 and 2015 for a total of 47 states, 32 states with gay marriage legalized and 15 states not legalized. Because the cause of suicide varies from state to state, the study does not directly compare suicide rates among the provinces but compares the changes in the suicide attemperation rate before and after homosexual marriage is legalized.

In addition, comparing LGBT students with non-students (straight students), before the same-sex marriage was legalized, the proportion of students who had planned suicide was 8.6% for straight students The LGBT student has a big difference of 28.5% compared to LGBT students, and it is understood that students of LGBT are more likely to try suicide.

In the survey, in states where legalized gay marriage was legalized, we found that the attempted suicide rate of young LGBTs decreased by 14% before and after legalization, and the student overall decreased by 7%. On the other hand, in the state where gay marriage was not legalized, the attempted suicide rate did not change. From this, it is inferred that the legalization of same-sex marriage has a big influence on the impulse to try youth suicide.

Dr. Lifeman on the cause of the decline in the suicide rate of young people by legitimizing same-sex marriage, Dr. Lifeman says, "By thinking that gay marriage is accepted, it is thought that society's" label affixing "to people of sexual minority will decrease The policy of not allowing gay marriage classifies sexual minorities as "heterogeneous" and denies the legal and economic interests by being unable to marry.In a society where gay marriage is allowed, Even if we do not plan to immediately exercise the right to marry, students will lose their deskiness, which will lead to an increase in hope for the future, "he said.

Although the results of this survey show that there is a strong correlation between admitting same sexual marriage and youth suicide rate reduction, it is necessary to further study in order to elucidate the causal relationship etc. As a precautionary measure to prevent suicide, which is the second leading cause of death by young people in the United States, there is a possibility that further discussion will be made on the way of same sexual marriage. In addition, the Supreme Court in the U.S. in 2015 shows the judgment of "right of same-sex marriage", and the result of this research may be the opportunity to increase the state that allows gay marriage in the future.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log