China's three major exchanges stop Bitcoin (bit coin) withdrawal

ByBTC Keychain

OKCoin "," Huobi "and" BTCChina "which are the largest Bitcoin (bit coin) exchangers in China announced that temporary suspension of withdrawal of bit coin and Litecoin (light coin) will occur. Although China's original withdrawal and other services are being handled as usual, after this announcement, there is an influence that the bit coin rate is less than 1 bit coin = 1,000 dollars (about 113,000 yen).

Two of China's Biggest Exchanges Stop Bitcoin Withdrawals - CoinDesk

China Central Bank Said to Call Bitcoin Exchanges for Talks - Bloomberg

Local time on February 8, 2017,People's Bank of ChinaHeld a closed meeting with several bit coin exchanges in China. The People's Bank of China said it is likely to strict the rules of virtual currency to curb outflow of capital outside the country, he said that he also warned exchanges that violate government guidelines.

After the meeting, the largest bit coin exchange in ChinaOKCoinWhenHuobiAnnounces that it will stop drawing out bit coins and light coins for a month to prevent money laundering and illegal transactions. Following the announcement by the two companies BTCChina also announced to stop the withdrawal of bit coins and light coins for 72 hours as a way to upgrade the internal system. OKCoin and Huobi explain that "we will upgrade our platform" to cope with domestic foreign exchange policy, but concrete details are not disclosed.

In addition, it is only with the withdrawal of bit coins that the three exchanges are stopped, and other services such as purchase of bit coins and exchange of RMB can be continued. The bit coin rate was around 1060 dollars (about 120 thousand yen) per 1 bit coin as of the 7 th. Due to a series of announcements, temporarily dropped to 959 dollars per 1 bit coin (about 108 thousand yen), but it has recovered to 1011 dollars (about 114 thousand yen) at the time of article creation.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log