Convert sentences input using free material of "Irutua" to images "iris?"

A free material collection of pretty illustrations, cute illustration "ITSUITOWeb application that converts it to an image using the illustration "Indefinitely"is.

ITSUITO? - Convert to sentences when you insert!

How to use is simple, enter the sentence you want to image in the text box at the center of the screen and click on "Suspension".

Then, the automatically generated image is displayed in the "Completion tombstone" part. Generated images can be shared on Twitter and Facebook. Of course, you can save the generated image from the right click and use it in a conversation with a friend or insert it into the presentation material.

In some cases, important words in sentences are estimated by techniques such as "morphological analysis", "dependency analysis", "importance estimation", and images are generated based on it. When it is judged that a word without material is important, it seems that it will be imaged based on information on the web.

So, I tried variously how accurately the image was generated automatically.

When "only one day I met a forest in the forest" was found, since the image without the "Kuma-san" of the essence was generated ......

Generating an image with a longer sentence "I came across a flower blooming forest noodles who I met Nakuma in a forest" is like this. Because the sentence is short, it does not mean that the target image is generated exactly, and unexpected images are sometimes generated.

When you generate it with "Beat Takeshi" like this. In the case of a celebrity person, it is possible to generate an image accurately with the person's name.

Let's be "GIGAZINE". Where did the mysterious "Brown" come out ... ?.

Some sentences can not be imaged and will be displayed as "Inseparable could not be done ...".

If you want to know what kind of image is being generated using "い る ず と か", click on the following link or search with the hashtag of "# isabi?" OK.

Hash tag # ITSUITO

In addition, "ITSUITO?" Is Yahoo! It is a creative event organized by JAPANHack Day 2017Web application created in "24 hour Hackason" in the middle. The state of Hack Day 2017 is live distributed on NicoNico Live broadcast and YouTube, and you can see the state of the announcement of the team who produced "Itsuka?" From about the following movie about 58 minutes and 50 seconds.

Creator fest "Yahoo! JAPAN Hack Day 2017" live broadcast # hackdayjp - YouTube

in Review,   Web Application,   Video,   Design, Posted by logu_ii