Google's face Matt Katz retired from Google and worked at a US government agency

ByMichael Dorausch

Matt Katz, a leader of Google's anti-spam team and iconic, retired Google officially and assumed office as engineering director of the US government digital service (USDS).

Staying with the US Digital Service

The US government digital service was founded in August 2014 as a strategic consulting team gathering digital technology experts from private enterprises. It is aimed at reforming administration and society with technology and has so far established the online application system on the health care of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, and "Web design to ensure the user experience and consistency of the government website Formulation of standards etc.going.

Mr. Katz said in July 2014Speaking when taking a few months vacation. After that, I extended the vacation period, but from mid 2016 I will be working with US government digital services. At that time, Mr. Katz said that he planned to work for only three months at USDS, recognizing the magnitude of its impact will extend the period of work to six months and ultimately leave Google on December 31, 2016 He said he decided.

Mikey DiCarcson, who was the first leader of USDS, retired last January 20, 2017, and Mr. Katts takes over afterwards. Mr. Di Carson was originally an engineer of Google.

Mr. Katz said in a blog: "Working for the government has less salary than working in a giant company in Silicon Valley and there is no free lunch and there are many days when it can be incredibly stressful. The job here is very important and exciting and it gives us the opportunity to make people's lives true in a true sense.The friend who works from before me said " It is the most difficult and the worst, and it is the most valuable five years I think, "he says.

In addition, Mr. Katz introduces the following movies which the USDS publishes as "to drive science and engineers to use for those who need their talent" on their blog.

You'll Never be the Same Again | The U.S. Digital Service - YouTube

The movie says, "When you grow up, you start with a story that Steve Jobs tells you that" the world is like that and you just have to stay alive in this world ".

It is a woman who is watching a movie.

"Never try to break the wall"

"I will have a nice family, I am going to have fun and make a small amount of money, but it is a limited life form."

"Life is more expansive"

"If you were able to notice the simple fact that all things you call life are made by people who are not wiser than yourself"

"And if you were able to change and influence them"

"If you built what you use and could use it by others"

That's why the women entered the White House in the USDS office.

The movie was closed with the words of Jobs saying "Once you learn about it, you can never be the same as before."

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log