Six things to keep writing by master Isaac Asimov, who wrote a book at a pace of once every two weeks

Isaac Asimov, a master of science fiction writer, has kept the pace of writing one novel in two weeks for 25 years, and has written about 500 books. Charlie Chu, who read the book 'It's Been a Good Life ' that Mr. Asimov wrote about his life from corner to corner, picks up and publishes six tips to continue writing books from the book.
Isaac Asimov: How to Never Run Out of Ideas Again – Personal Growth – Medium
◆ 1: Continue learning
Mr. Asimov, who is known as a science fiction writer, has a PhD in chemistry from Columbia University and is also involved in papers and books on physics and archeology. In 'It's Been a Good Life,' Asimov said, 'I was able to write books in many genres because of the experience and knowledge I learned at school. It wouldn't have been possible without it.' He talks about the importance of learning.

Asimov also read many books, not just writing, and described his experience as 'the miscellaneous readings that I devoured left me with a lack of instruction. Thanks to this, my interest. Has been aroused in 20 different directions, and what I have gained from it remains in my mind. I have written books on myths, the Bible, Shakespeare, history, chemistry, and more. ' To keep writing books, read many genres of books, follow your interests aroused from them, and don't stop investing (learning) in yourself.
◆ 2: Don't fight even if you get stuck in work
Even Mr. Asimov, who wrote many books, sometimes gets stuck with ideas, saying, 'When writing science fiction works, sometimes I don't like writing and I can't think of words.' I'm talking.

However, by gaining experience, we have built a unique solution when we are stuck in work. Asimov said of this solution: 'I don't stare at a blank piece of paper (when I'm stuck). I don't have an idea with an empty head for days. Instead, I don't. Try doing other work away from writing. If you start to feel tired of other work, go back to the work you were stuck with. This makes it easy to write things that you couldn't write before. ' I'm talking to you.
◆ 3: Be careful of resistance
People engaged in creative work such as entrepreneurs, writers, and artists are afraid to send ideas out to the world. It's no wonder that some people around the world are afraid to get a lot of criticism by showing their ideas. Asimov likens criticism from others to 'resistance,' saying, 'Ordinary writers are tied up with anxiety while writing, so while trying to shorten or change sentences. I try different ways of expressing myself, but as far as I know, I'm never happy with the removals and fixes I make for fear of this resistance. ' In other words, don't give in to the fear of being denied what you wrote.
◆ 4: Lower the standard
Asimov is opposed to perfectionism, saying that 'trying to make perfection from the beginning is a big mistake.' You don't have to try to write the best thing every time, it's important to believe in your creativity. Only when you experience failure and struggle will you succeed later.
◆ 5: Write more books
Asimov argues that it is necessary to write many books as a means of countering perfectionism. By writing so much that you don't have time to worry about failure, even if you make a mistake, you will not suffer much mental damage.

By blueskyjunction photography
◆ 6: How to create ideas
When one of Asimov's friends asked Asimov, 'Where do you get the idea?', 'Think until you want to kill yourself. I think it's easy to come up with a great idea. Is it? ' Also, 'It's Been a Good Life' said, 'I couldn't sleep last night, so I was thinking about writing while lying down all night. When I was thinking about the sad part, I cried. It was a wonderful night. ' It seems that the task of creating ideas was not an easy task for Mr. Asimov.
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