No need to put in a garage by the driver, a system will automatically carry the robot to the parking space fully automatically

There are many drivers who shy away from parking garage in a narrow parking space because car garage insertion is troublesome and it can sometimes hit with a mistake. In order to use the parking lot more safely and efficiently than people, "parking robot" which carries out garage putting & dispatch work fully automatically instead of drivers is being tested for practical use.

Security equipment manufacturer'sHikvisionUnderstand how comfortable and convenient the parking system by the parking robot under development can be understood with a single shot if you look at the following movie.

Parking Robot - Hikvision - YouTube

This plate-like thin robot is the car parking robot "Parking Robot" developed by Hikvision.

The garage putting robot can move not only forward and backward but also laterally and can be rotated on the spot.

There is a camera on the top.

The lift lifting lifting loads from the top is the mechanism that will come out.

The car came in the parking lot.

The driver stops the car in a predetermined position and goes out of the car ... ...

Touch operation on the monitor near you.

Then the parking robot begins to transport each pallet that the car hits.

Since the lift on the top lifts the pallet, the parking robot can carry the car freely.

The parking robot can also move sideways. You can park in parallel even when there is no space in front and behind.

A parking robot carrying a car can run automatically without a driver. The unmanned parking lot will go and go without the parking robot that puts the car hitting.

When arriving at the parking space, the parking robot crawls and turns.

After that I slowly carried the car + pallet into the space.

Because the parking robot can move back and forth, right and left, and turn on the spot, the car can be parked neatly and clearly.

The parking robot that has finished carrying the car leaves that place.

Excellent is the shape of automatic robot and pallet. Since the pallets of the same shape are arranged in order, the parking robot can freely move freely up, down, left and right freely between the pallet's feet. I will reach the target car with the shortest distance.

When the automobile that wishes to issue is behind, one parking robot carries out an obstructive car ... ...

Another parking robot carries out the target car from the back ...

The car that was in front was brought to the back.

After returning to the parking lot, the driver again issues a delivery order at the monitor.

Since the QR code is displayed, it is a system to settle with a special application.

Cashless and smart payment possible.

When the parking robot gets under the desired car ... ...

I will carry the car under the driver.

Arrive at your destination. With this parking robot system it is also possible to issue goods at a location different from where you left your car.

The driver left the parking lot without troublesome parking work.

Hikvision's parking robot system is undergoing operation experiments in China and Zhejiang province. With this parking robot system, the driver does not have to perform troublesome parking work and the accident in the parking lot is gone. Furthermore, efficient parking that makes the best use of the site is possible, so it seems that it can be expected to be used in commercial facilities where chronic parking space shortage is difficult.

in Ride,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log