The fact that the "open office" which removes walls and doors and has no partition actually lowers the efficiency


The style of "open office" used as an open space enough to overlook everything without partitioning the office space with walls etc. attracted attention as a modern office figure. It is an open office where there was no break with others, literally spreading in the horizontal direction caused the idea of ​​work to be born easier, and the merit of increasing work efficiency was told, but in reality the opposite effect appears It is becoming known to know that it is.

BBC - Capital - Why open offices are bad for us

Mr. Chris Nagelle who runs the company changed the office of the company to an open office style that did not have a partition four years ago, following many of the technology companies. Mr. Naggele's company worked for home work, but many people said that they wanted to strengthen the relationship between employees and strengthen their relationship with each other. Soon it became clear that Mr. Naggele's attempt was a complete failure. The staff gathered at the office each got distracted in concentration and productivity was seen to have decreased. And it seems that nine employees including Mr. Nagere have become complaining of complaints.

Although it is an open office to be found in Japan, there are also statistics that 70% of offices actually adopt open style in the United States. And many of those offices are not expected to return to traditional branch offices.

ByManoel Lemos

On the other hand, research results have shown that there are many harmful effects on open offices. By adopting an open office, productivity has declined by 15%, employee's attention is disturbed, and it is also known that the staff has doubled the frequency of illness, and these Based on the results, to the conventional officeA flow to return is also bornAnd that. In fact, Mr. Nagelé who introduced an open office four years ago said that he immediately realized that there were many voices saying that he would like to return to a private office in the technology industry, "Many people "I can not stand an open office." With an open office, they can not finish their work and more often do the rest of the work after returning home. " It is.

The biggest reason why an open office does not work is "inhibition of concentration". Unlike computers, the human brain is basically not suited to "multitasking" that carries out multiple tasks at once, and once it gets in the way it takes more than 20 minutes to return to a concentrated state once again It is said. In addition, the brain's memory power may be adversely affected by the size of the space. This trend is due to the fact that multiple people share a desk "Hot Death KingIt is remarkable at the time of ". Environmental and design psychologist Sally Augustan says, "We can keep as much memorization as we are in one place, although we do not clearly appear in the days, We associate the detailed part of it with what exists in the surroundings. " In other words, it is thought that this is related to the phenomenon that it is impossible to recall in a certain place what can be remembered in another place.

ByMichael Allen

Also, the biggest obstacle to hindering people's concentration is noise. 50% of those working in a fully open office environment and 60% of those working in booths surrounded by short partitions are complaining about sound privacy. On the other hand, it seems that only 16% of people working in a private room complain about similar complaints.

One of the biggest reasons why open offices are recommended is the idea that new things are created as people interact. In fact, however, I know that there are not so many cases that people working in such an environment bring ideas and brainstorm themselves to create something. Indeed it is an open office environment where the conversation of other people often jumps into the ears, but in fact it sounds like a lot of topics of gifts given to Christmas and troubles with spouses. Mr. Augustin said about this situation, "People will have many conversations, but there are not so many conversations related to work."

ByJesús Corrius

Although it is an open office that is often touted as a method that may produce something, it seems to be said that it is a clear fact that it is not only merit. Nonetheless, it can be said that some people are born by bringing their faces together, so depending on the circumstances at the time and the contents of the work, depending on the circumstances, it is best to properly use the private environment that can concentrate on the open environment It seems to be important.

By the way, Mr. Nagele's company moved to a vast office with a floor area of ​​930 square meters (about 280 tsubo) three years after introducing the open office, but in that case all the employees are given private rooms closed I chose a style office.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log