Technology to output artificial legs of dogs, elephants, horses, goats, deer, etc. with a 3D printer

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Derrick Campana of Animal Ortho Care , who creates pet prostheses with a 3D printer, has created prostheses for all kinds of animals, from dogs, cats, horses, goats and deer to turtles and elephants. The prosthesis of a 3D printer has the feature that the optimal prosthesis can be designed from the MRI of the pet without taking the shape of the foot, and even if it breaks, it can be easily re-output from the saved data.

High-Tech Pet Prosthetics Give a Leg up to Man's Best Friend

In addition to pet prostheses, Campana also creates support devices that can be attached to pet knees to support walking. '3D printer technology has made it possible to deal with pets suffering from'mild illness', which was previously difficult,' said Campana.

The picture below shows a mongrel dog called a derby, whose front legs are so deformed that he cannot walk well.

Initially, the owner of the derby wore a prosthesis with wheels, but the prosthesis with wheels did not provide sufficient walking ability, and he could not run or play with other dogs. Campana has created a uniquely shaped prosthesis that fits the condition of the derby's legs, allowing the derby to regain walking ability to run around freely.

You can see the derby running with his prosthesis from the following movie.

Derby the dog: Running on 3D Printed Prosthetics-YouTube

Campana also creates a dog prosthesis called Hudson. Hudson lost his hind legs due to the abuse of being left with his legs tied to the railroad tracks, but after five prototypes, a prosthesis that can walk like a real leg has been completed, and a documentary movie is also released It has been. The movie became a hot topic in 2015, and Hudson also won the 'Hero Dog Award' from the American Humane Association.

Injured Rescue Puppy Gets New Plastic Paw, Becomes Therapy Dog --YouTube

Mr. Campana's work is not limited to the dog community, but in 2015 he also created the prosthesis of two elephants who lost their legs due to land mines in Thailand.

In this way, Mr. Campana is making various animal prostheses as a charitable activity, but in order to continue the activity, he is soliciting investment by crowdfunding.

Animal Aid With Prosthetics by Derrick Campana --GoFundMe

in Hardware,   Creature,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log