Hacker appeared developing ultra-compact & ultra-thin game boy with key holder size

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A hacker shrunk to a key holder size appeared, further downsizing the Game Boy whose original size was in the pocket. The resolution is as small as 96 x 64 dots, but the appearance that Tetris is playing without problems has been released.

Tiniest Game Boy Hides in Your Pocket | Hackaday

I did developmentSprites modsSprite_TM (real name: Jeroen Domburg) who operates this project, and this result was obtained in "November 2016"2016 Hackaday Superconference"Was announced in. Mr. Sprite_TM dreamed of wanting a key holder size gameboy from the early adolescence, realizing that dream by advancing technology.

Incidentally, Mr. Sprite_TM seems to like "small game machine", and in 2012 I also made a MAME exclusive machine with Raspberry Pi.

You can play old arcade game with Raspberry Pi ... Full dedicated machine with 2.4 inch TFT | TechCrunch Japan

The resolution of the screen is 160 × 144 dots of the original Game Boy. As a new screen, the candidate first was an 800 x 600 organic EL display, but it costed $ 720 (about 82,000 yen) in terms of cost, the next one I found is 1 inch size Organic EL display of 3.8 dollars (about 430 yen). Although the resolution is as small as 96 x 64 dots, it was adopted because it was found that it was able to be used without problems as it was tested.

As hardware, it is a compact Wi-Fi moduleESP-WROOM-32 ModuleAdopted ESP 32 chip, speaker less than 1 cm in diameter, 150 mAh lithium ion battery installed. The case was made using 3D printers.

Speed_TM chose GNUboy as the emulator which runs even under this condition with the performance of 512 KB RAM, dual core 240 MHz for the ESP 32 chip, support for Wi-Fi and Blueotooth.

You can see Tetris, Super Mario World, DOOM playing in the following movie with a key holder gaming boy that actually moves. Though it is playing "Witcher 3" about 39 minutes and 26 seconds in that flow, this is not necessarily moving on the Game Boy, but it is not via the VNC, it is one that "pretends to move" is.

The Tiniest Game Boy for Your Key Chain - YouTube

Mr. Sprite_TM who makes an announcement

Imitation of key holder size gameboy ...... You can not play games with just a clock.

Mr. Sprite_TM did not make something like this "Game Boy style", but a game boy (compatible hardware) that actually moves with a key holder size.

It is like this if you align with keys and USB memory.

It looks like Tetris is playing like this

Next time Mario


The end is Witcher 3

As expected this gameboy can not be moved. It is just "showing it as if it is moving".

in Hardware,   Video,   Game, Posted by logc_nt