"METAMON" appears in Pokemon GO, even Pokemon GO Plus can get it

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Of the 151 kinds of Pokemon that appear in Pokemon GO (Pokémon GO), there are six types of Pokemon that have not yet appeared in the game, but as a kind of Pokemon "Metamon" appears It was announced that it became.

Pokémon GO

I can understand how to capture metamon in one shot by looking at the following official movie.

Ditto has been discovered! - YouTube

Throw a monster ball to Poppo.

I could catch it without problems.

Then "Oh? (Oh?)" And a question mark are on the monster ball.

The captured poppo shines ... ...

It changed to metammon. Catch some Pokemon, it will show a true figure when it is metamon. AlreadyJapanese TwitterBut there are several tweets of users who succeeded in capturing the metamon, but it seems that they are lurking in the field not only by Poppo but by various Pokemon.

Incidentally,Pokémon GO PlusBut I seemed to be able to get metamon, one of the editorial staff was successful in capturing metamon without noticing.

in Mobile,   Video,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log