Publish "Scottish witch's name" list online
BySam Howzit
Secret society "Freemason" members publish online the names and occupations of 2 million peopleAncestry, a British research firm that has also published a historical record "Scottish witch's name list".
List of 'Scots witches' published online for first time - The Scotsman
Scottish witchcraft book published online - BBC News
About 300 years from around 1450 to around 1750, a large "witch hunting" was done in Europe. The number of victims is estimated as one that is estimated to be one million people, but the view that it is now generally from 40,000 to 60,000 is powerful.
Pope Innocentius 8 who lived at the end of the 15th century denounced a magician and a witch on December 5, 1484, in the Imperial Imperial "Summis desiderantes affectibus". This encyclical diversion was diverted to the preface of the Inquisition Officer Heinrich Kraemer's book "Malleus Maleficarum to the Witch", and "Witch hunting" went into full swing.
Its intensity differs depending on the time and region, for example, in Sweden where the power of the king was strong, a trial was strictly conducted, and in Italy and Venice there were many cases of trials, but there seemed to be little punishment leading to death . In Spain, a political heresy called "Spanish Inquisition" was conducted, so the withe's heresy of the witches (witch hunting) was not done so much and Innocentius VII was overwhelmed by the Inquisition in Spain twice We are criticizing.
Among them, Scotland was one of the areas where crackdowns were done violently. The number of victims was said to have been in the order of Germany, Scotland and France, where witch hunting in England declined with peaks in the 1590s, whereas witch hunting in Scotland from the 1590s to the 1660s Was done.
This time, Ancestry published in 1658 Scotland's "Names of Witches" (witch's name), the name and address of "Witch" and "Confession" are recorded. Even if it says a witch, it is not limited to women, and the seafaring name "Jon Gilchreist" "Robert Semple" that lives in Dumbarton was also recorded. A person named James Lerile who lives in Aloway near the air is written "clenged" in the remarks column. This means "cleaned / made clean", which means that it has been exiled or executed.
In addition, it is said that the victims of witch hunting in Scotland are 3000 to 5000 people, but the number of the witches suspected witches is even more. Of course, these people are not considered magicians and witches, but are considered to be doctors and practitioners of folk remedies.
By the way, it is not that it is open to unlimited disclosure, but by accessing the following page, search phrase such as person's name and address is input and narrowed down.
Scotland, Names of Witches, 1658
In addition, although it can be seen as it is "up to the list of persons corresponding to entered conditions", browsing of detailed information requires registration in Ancestry. The usage fee is $ 34.99 per month (about 3700 yen), and for a 6-month plan, it is $ 24.83 per month (about 2600 yen). There is also a 14-day free trial.
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