I tried Kentucky 's "Ring Tulos" which adds pumpkin sweetness to fried crispy & mochi mochi texture
In accordance with Halloween, a new fried confectionery from Kentucky · Fried · Chicken (KFC) "Ring Tyros"Has appeared. Speaking of Tyros Mister Donut'sHanichurroAs shown in the impression of a donut or bread menu, KFC went to eat what kind of churros was produced.
Halloween is Kentucky this year too! "Halloween barrel", "Ring Turos" easily sold at home at Halloween Party Start selling "Halloween barrel" from October 1st ~ From October 21st to 31st ~ October 1st ~
Speaking of KFC, it was called chicken, "Halloween barrel" was supposed to be main, but there was also a menu table with "Ring Tyros" stand out in this way. It is 220 yen if it is single item, but if you purchase it with Halloween barrel it is 170 yen.
This time I purchased separately.
There was an image "in the head like" Honey plus? ", So I am a little surprised by the fact that it is" three entries ".
But that should be that. It is quite small compared to Tyros, the size of which is common. It is about the thumb of the adult man + the index finger.
As you can see from the fact that KFC special "pumpkin maple" is attached separately, the basic seasoning is plain. Even though sugar is being coated, it is not coated. However, a crisp outside texture and a mezzhed inner texture, and fragrance spread to the mouth, this is an ant as a "sweet snack" with this. This is a privilege in the case of being fried.
"Pumpkin Maple" is a syrup that makes use of the soft sweetness of pumpkin. The tender sweetness complements the intense taste of Tyros.
Considering the price of donuts, it is slightly higher setting that it is 220 yen separately. Although it is disappointing if it is prepared, if it is fried fish it is becoming an item that can be thought of as "ant". Speaking of KFC's dessert is famous for biscuits, but this impression that it also has the power to become as many popular items as it is. It seems to be limited edition only for the Halloween period, but I would like to continue to sell it.
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in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt