Animator knows how much you are concentrating on 5-minute animation "Odddy Taro Boy's Youkai Picture Diary" & "Mr. Bernardo says" 1 episode screening in Cinema

Autumn in 2016Start as "Odddy Taro Boys' Youkai Picture Diary"When"Mr. Bernard says."Are both short anime in about 5 minutes and have something in common with animation produced by Creators in Pack. Hiromi Igarashi, Mr. Mitsuhiro Municipal, Mr. Masaru Nakada, who is a cast of such 2 works, Mr. Hisayoshi Hirasawa who is the coach of both works and Hatano Tsukasa Producer, together with a member called Audio commentary Screenings & talk shows where you can see the first episode that is hoyagayaMachi ★ Asobi vol.17It was held in.

Creators in Pack Autumn's New Animation 1 Story Screening ~ "Odddy Taro Boy's Youkai Picture Diary" × "Miss Bernard. "~

Screening started in audio commentary format.

One story screening in Cinema was held at ufotable CINEMA on the second day of gore ★ Asobi, "Castors in Pack" "Monster Taro Shonen's Youkai Picture Diary" & "Mr. Bernardo says" sponsored by Creators in Pack. It was held at theater 2, but the full manager is also nicolle with Hirasawa filling up.

This time it appeared in the event, Hisasyasu Hirasawa who is the coach of the whole from both the "strange Taro boy's youkai picture diary" and "Mr. Bernardo said" from the left, Mr. Taro Oddabi in "Yokai Taro's Yokai Picture Diary" Hiromi Igarashi who plays "Mr. Mitsuhiro Mitsui, who plays Endo in role" Mr. Bernardo says ", Mr. Akira Nakada who is playing the role of" Odddy Taro boys' picture diary ", Mr. Hataka Hataka who is a producer for both works Five people.

First of all it starts with the screening of "Odddy Taro Boy's Youkai Picture Diary". It seems that the point of interest is the pose of the hero / odd Taro. As the way of the end of the talk was too beautiful, guests told each other "Good last round ......" tweeting, Hirasawa coach is "2 story to 2 stages 1 story began!" .

Next, the screening of 1 story of "Mr. Bernard says" starts. Commentary entered from HIRASAWA general manager "Please look at Professor Mori's virtue". It is like touching "Mr. Bernardo." It is like a daily system gag anime with a good tempo. While launching, laughter has been raised many times from the venue. In addition, it is said that the voice actor Eitaru Kitamura has appeared in both works "Otodor Taro Boy's Youkai Picture Diary" and "Mr. Bernardo.

Next, to the corner where three directors, Hirasawa Hirasawa and Cast, will explain the highlights of both works.

Osusuma point of "Odddy Taro Boy's Youkai Picture Diary" screened at the beginning is the place where "Character is cute!"

This is a hero's strange Taro. Mr. Igarashi who plays Oddda Taro is "an astounding feeling" because it is an elementary school student but looks like a college student. Taro Odda is a babe admitted to both self and others, but as a character, it is a character that is smart, but as stated above, it is a character that only makes strange poses, about this, "Ignorable head is running in a strange way", Igarashi says.

Next is Nakada's heroine's "Tin". Mr. Ichigo who saw the setting picture pointed out that "The face on the right is collapsed ... but ...".

That's this face. It is a cute appearance character, but there are scenes that will make such a face because of odd Taro who runs innocent.

Next is about the "fox face woman". This character is played by Eita Kitamura, Igarashi says "This face with a feeling of a doyy in a good sense is similar to Kitamura-san, I also told him," but the female face of the fox Comment on "Wearing Kitamura-san" played by "feeling charming doya".

A woman in a fox face overflowing with "a sense of enthusiasm".

Next is "Snow Mother" which Sayaka Ohara plays. This character is "The visual is perfect for Ohara-san", but, "I spit it and spit out a poisonous tongue! It is understandable by reading the original but it is extremely bad" and that gap is fun and Igarashi Mr. Emoto emphasized.

And, "Snow girl" who plays Mari Naganawa. Mr. Naganuma who plays the snow girl jumped out a mysterious petit information that it is possible to actually say "shake the prick pull of black eyes" occasionally seen in animation.

"Odddy Taro Boy's Youkai Picture Diary" is a manga that a story advances to a picture diary form of Kaoru Taro originally, and it seems that the tasteful painting of the author Riichi Kageyama is distinctive. However, it seems to be difficult to draw such "tasteful paintings" as animation draws in large numbers. So, when raising character designs, he seems to have settled in a character design like animation standing, "If the original is a painting with a taste, it may be better to shoot off as much as an aesthetic line with animation." However, the production side seems to have had a lot of trouble, "Do you move this picture ...?" In the end, I finally managed to finish the first episode with the power of the site.

"Odds Taro Boy's Youkai Picture Diary" recommended point 2, "The background is also nice!"

Because it is a work that many youkai come out, there is a natural image, so it seems that he decided to create the background in the same aesthetic direction as the picture. However, in the first episode there are not many scenes in the evening with so many beautiful backgrounds, so it is expected that after the second episode.

Next is "every monster you can enjoy warmth is dynamic."

Each of the youkai appearing in "Youkai Taro Boys' Youkai Picture Diary" has a name, and although it was not a single story, he is planning to start a youkai introduction section in the C part in the future. And it seems that youkai who picks up story every one talking story will be different, so it seems that various youkai appeared. Mr. Igarashi who responded to the word "warm heartedly" said that "from the second episode is much more warm ... ...?", There is a magical atmosphere that there are actions rather than a heartwarming, strange movement I will reveal. As Igarashi says, "Youkai that two episodes are out there and Taizo Taro are everyone terrible," and it is a place to wonder what kind of story is going on.

In addition, it seems that "Monster Taro boy's Youkai picture diary" was a short animation of 5 minutes, so the recording was done collectively in 6 books, "Igarashi was hard", Igarashi-san. Taro Oddo has a neat facial expression, but he said that at the time of dubbing "I feel more downy". Especially troubled by two stories, Taro Odd appears dancing and is said to be "in downer", and further downer said "I'm more cheerful", "Do you feel fine at Downer? It is revealed that it was confused with "! In addition, there was no particular instruction from the middle of dubbing, I revealed that I was released as "I am free!" Also, at the time of dubbing, various stakeholders came and various suggestions flutt over so that the dubbing's instructions become difficult or long, "It's a bit tough," he said.

"Mr. Michio Hazama's narration" is also mentioned in the highlight of the first episode by cast and staff. Mr. Igarashi told "Mr. Hazama's narration is the best," and other guests also quietly commented that "I thought that the movie really started." Besides that, it is said that the tin of one episode is looking down on the face of Odds Taro from above and the feeling "peeping in" is very amazing, so please check it out if you are interested.

Next on "Mr. Bernard says".

Highlights part 1, "Characters are cute!"

Illustration of a different taste moves from "You are a weird picture book diary of Taro Boyant" in "Miss Bernard." Kitamura who played a female woman in an adult atmosphere in "Odddy Taro Boys' Youkai Picture Diary" plays Character Machida Sawako who does not feel erotic at all.

Characters called Shinobu Kamabayashi are coming up with Sachida Sawako many times. In one talk suddenly Sawako is holding a Tekken fist and is afraid of casting as "Meeting suddenly it is goo!"!

Attractive part 2 "Library is a library".

90% of the stage of "Mr. Bernard says" is a school library, so I went to a library in a certain school in Osaka to stick to this, so several staff took pictures of the library That's right. In addition, the title "Sasashi no Ken" that comes out in one episode says that "Speaking of cartoon in school?" Says that he uses a certain famous title for a while to use it.

Even on the screen with the character, draw the library firmly.

Attraction The third point is that "Books are real".

These are the cover of the book that comes out in the work, but it seems that this is "all the books actually drew a cover of a book with a picture." At first it seems that I thought "It is not permitted anyway" I thought that I made a "cover of a fake" that resembled the real thing, but suddenly I got permission and became an emergency meeting and hand-drawn the real cover by saying "somehow it works" I made it so that I could create it for use in the work. Why "What actually draws the cover of a book with a picture" is that it seems to be caused by problems with rights when scanning.

As it turned out to be in the end it was not being used in the work, but there are more than one "cover of the fake" actually became a bot. As the production team worked hard to make it, "I will never forget it!", So it was decided to be released at the talk event of Machi ★ Asobi. It is also the real thrill of gore ★ Asobi that it is possible to listen to the secret story which can not be seen in others.

The cover on the left is the actual 'or sea full of sea' cover, right is the fake cover. There is also an opinion that "a fake person seems to be a tired man as a result of the patterned bread".

It is such a feeling when it is a white whale.

"The guest of a different star" has been changed to the title of "a customer of a different world", the face drawn in the middle of the cover which became a bot is "a draft of a sea full of alcohol" He seems to be the face of his uncle drawn on.

Attractive point 4 is that "unchiku will become able to speak without reading a book".

Why does notch chiku talk about it without reading a book, since multiple such cuts will appear.

In the past Creators in Pack "Hacka Doll THE あ め め ~ し ょ んIt is also an animation production company that produced the animation production company, and as you can see from seeing the 3 episodes of the work, he owes a lot of other works and he seems to be exploring and exploring as "if this is the case ...". In addition, when tromelying other works with such feeling, it seems to make some patterns and then leave it to the judgment above.

In addition, as words also say unchiku, if you can remember, you will be able to say more variety of uncike. However, since Tsukkomi does not know the contents as it does not know, it is over, so in such cases, "Overwhelm the whistle like Sawako," avoid it, "said Hirasawa.

Hataka producer who was asked about the charm of "Mr. Bernardo said" Hasegawa (a character appearing in the middle of his work) has heroine character ", so for that purpose, he proceeded with production considerably I have revealed that. For example, the following cut is a scene of Mr. Hasegawa's up, but when it was completed, the outline of the face seemed to be slightly angular and it was a cut that was repainted many times. However, in "Mr. Bernardo says", all work is done from all the digital from the storyboard, and since the drawing director is also working in digital, correct the modifications such as "correct contours" soon A tiger

The event ends with this, a scissors game will be held ......

The two who won the prize with the Janken gifts were gifts for the work from Mr. Igarashi and Mr. Mitarai.

One gift that was given was "one of the strange Taro Boy's Youkai picture diary" and one of "Mr. Bernardo says".

The color paper of "Mr. Bernard says" is like this.

At the end everyone greeted me ... ...

Tighten with high touch with all visitors.

As a visitor present, a special bookmark of "Trial of Taro Boy's Youkai Picture Diary" and a special bookmark of "Mr. Bernardo says" was distributed.

in Coverage,   Manga,   Anime, Posted by logu_ii