Three popular idol voice actors are appointed chief of the police station one day, patrol cars to the city patrol
Machi ★ Asobi vol.17, voice actor unit "Wake Up, Girls!"Mr. Yamashita Nanihama, Mr. Yoshioka Masayuu, Nagano Aiji was appointed to the day president of Tokushima Eastern Police Station.
To prepare for this event, police officers and police officials have appeared from early hours at the summit of Mt. Meishan where commission ceremonies are held.
The launch fanfare, the police music corps live music.
First of all, Tokushima Eastern Police Station and Chairman Katsuyuki Aki want to be safe not only those residing in Tokushima City but also those who visited Tokushima with Asobi.
Subsequently, Tokushima City and Mayor Endo Akiyoshi greeted us. Endo Mayor in Tokushima mayoral election held in March 2016 fulfilled the first election after breaking the current positions.
Ms. Yamashita who receives the commission letter.
Tsuzuki, looking closely "Chief of the day one day" in figure.
After that, we talked with the chief and the mayors.
Customers watching overrequirements.
In the second half also the performance of the police music corps. "Legendary criminal drama collection" 5 song medley, "SEKAI NO OWARI collection" 5 song medley, totaling 10 songs were played.
And, three people re-entrant. Departure patrol!
Commemorative photo in front of police car.
Together with the chief.
It is not never carried on.
Mr. Yamashita on police car "East 1"
Mr. Yoshioka and Nagano got on the police car "East 2". After this, how many people are wondering whether I could come across a police car that Yamashita and others ride.
· Additional notes
It seems that three people appeared in front of the station after this.
It was lucky to see the WUG police patrol car in front of the station (^ ^ ♪ Mayuki who truly dressed in her uniform was a very cute daughter so much (Vocabulary skill
- Ryo - chan @ immediate lesson girls' high school student AI is writing (@ mt_Paddy)October 8, 2016
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