Sea Shepard's secret weapon loaded with high speed ship "Ocean Warrior" to interfere with Japanese whaling

Sea shepherd, an anti-whaling group known as a protesting activity that exercised arms such as starting an obstruction of whaling in 2005 and making an attack on Japanese whaling vessels,Ocean Warrior"Has been released. Ocean Warrior has secret weapons to interfere with whaling activities.

You can check the launch ceremony of Ocean Warrior from the following movie.

Ocean Warrior Launch / Tewaterlating Ocean Warrior - YouTube

While the sound like a siren is ringing, Gogogogo and the warehouse door will open.

Remove the assembly base which was supporting the ship ... ...

The ship departs.

This is Ocean Warrior of Sea Shepherd's new high-speed ship, the total length is 54 m · The maximum speed is about 25 knots per hour (about 46.3 km / h), with a helipad installed. In addition, we are equipped with a secret weapon "water cannon" for hindering whaling.

Sea Shepherd's CEO Mr. Alex Cornelisen (left) seems to be unable to fully excite the completion of the new high-speed ship. In addition, Mr. Cornelisen was ordered by Taiji Town in Wakayama Prefecture to interfere with the power work on dolphin fishing, acting as the captain of an obstructive ship in the Antarctic Ocean research whaling hindranceOwner of careeris.

"Ocean Warrior" is printed on the tip of the high speed ship.

Ocean Warrior was created with a donation of 8.3 million euros (about 950 million yen) from lottery groups in the UK, the Netherlands and Sweden. It was the shipbuilding company in the Netherlands that built it.

Finally arrived at the harbor in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

I will launch from the rear of the high-speed ship.

Article creation Currently, Ocean Warrior is departing from the harbor of Amsterdam towards Australia. It is said that it will be used in Anti-whaling activities and Nemesis operations scheduled to be implemented in the Antarctic Ocean in December 2016.

Sea Shepard conducted a free tour of Ocean Warrior before departing. I announced extensively on Facebook.

EVENT: FREE SHIP TOURS on The MV Ocean Warrior

The MV Ocean WarriorPosted bySeptember 29, 2016

Sea shepherd supporters came a lot on the free tour. I was selling goods etc on tour.

EVENT: Last Chance to Visit The MV Ocean Warrior in Amsterdam

The MV Ocean WarriorPosted byOctober 2, 2016

After the end of the free tour post a thank you for support such as volunteer · donation.

UPDATE from The MV Ocean Warrior: FREE PUBLIC TOURS of The MV Ocean Warrior in Amsterdam are Over

Sea Shepherd GlobalPosted byOctober 2, 2016

Sea Shepard announced Ocean Warrior and Free Tour on Twitter.

Mr. Sarah Peters of an actress and model also participates in a free tour and is tweeting it.

This participant tweeted a picture of Ocean Warrior with a hash tag called "fortheoceans" (for the sea).

This is a promotional movie of Ocean Warrior.

VIDEO: Visit Sea Shepherd Global's Brand New High Speed ​​Patrol Vessel. All this week The MV Ocean Warrior will be docked at the NDSM wharf in Amsterdam and open for FREE PUBLIC TOURS. Between 11: 00 and 19: 00 everyday (except Friday when we 'Ll be open from 14:00 instead) on the board, meet the crew, purchase our newest range of merchandise and learn more about our up-coming whale defense campaign in the Southern Ocean, Operation Nemesis .EVENT details: #OpNemesis #OceanWarrior #PoachersBeware

The MV Ocean WarriorPosted on September 28, 2016

In addition, Shea Shepard declared in the tweet that the Ocean Warrior was made to interfere with Japanese whaling boats and whaling vessels of other countries.

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log