Animated animation work "Glass Harmonica" that was the only one in the former Soviet Union who had been "banned"

In the former Soviet society covered with iron curtains, censorship was suppressed campaign by the government. It is said that the arts such as literature and music were strictly controlled by the government and used as a propaganda to press the government's will. Meanwhile, animation works are said to have relatively loose net of regulation, and it is said that a very wide variety of works were made. However, under such circumstances, the only work that had been banned was "Glass Harmonica"is.

Watch the Surrealist Glass Harmonica, the Only Animated Film Ever Banned by Soviet Censors, (1968) | Open Culture

This animation, Glass Harmonica (in JapaneseArmonicaA man with a musical instrument called handsome, a reaction of the people, and a guy in black making that seems to be on the system side appear. Looking at the following story, it may be possible to understand the feeling that the government wanted to ban the ban. Although it is a work of about 20 minutes, it is a movie without lines, so you can follow the story just by watching it.

Glass harmonica (Subtitled) - Стеклянная гармоника - Steklyannaya garmonika - YouTube

At the beginning of the animation "Although it is a fictitious character to appear in this work, the author is trying to remind the audience of the unlimited desire in modern bourgeoisieurs, the fear of police power, the division and brutality of humanity Caption "I will.

"Once upon a time, a craftsman made a magical instrument, the name of the instrument ......"

"Glass Harmonica"

"The sound of this instrument evoked people a high awareness and sophisticated behavior"

"One day, craftsmen who made instruments came to a town, all the people there ... ...."

"It is a slave of" Yellow devil "

A cityscape with no color, illuminated by the moon.

A man appeared under the clock tower.

This person is the craftworker who made Glass Harmonica.

When an eerie drum is played ......

People gathered in the plaza. That face is all expressionless.

However, when a craftman plays Glass Harmonica ......

People are entranced. Is it a beautiful sound coming in slavery life being suppressed?

There, a black suit and a man with a hat appeared. Grasping the shoulder with a pon ......

A craftsman being taken over

Glass Harmonica has been destroyed

Also clock tower that was in the town square ......

People will destroy themselves with their own hands.

A man with no facial expression raises his hand, there is something golden in his hands.

Maybe this means "yellow devil", "money".

The age of oppression comes again, but butterflies flapping to ask for freedom.

Then a man with Glass Harmonica again appeared. However, it is clearly a different person from the first craftsman.

When listening to the man's performance, the people who were ugly were ... ...

To be able to misunderstandably.

With the appearance of a man, the lives of the people regain their radiance again.

There, that black dressed man appeared.

Popular people getting caught

A man will be taken. In this way, the age of darkness has come again.

But the situation is different this time. People who lost their shine, but now they repair the clock tower ... ...

I regained a human society.

In this way, it is clear that the animation work "Glass Harmonica" is a work that seems to have drawn a state of confronting the dominance regime and it is inconvenient work from the ruler side.

in Video,   Anime, Posted by darkhorse_log